Chapter 2 - Repercussions

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Word count: 1054.


"Ah, good morning!" Taehyung sang to you.

You waved tiredly at him and sank into your designated chair, swivelling around to face the boy to your right. His boxy smile flashed at you and you smiled back, stifling a yawn. You had decided to stay up late last-night and have an evening of relaxation to yourself; long hot bath, face mask, manicure and pedicure, and a drink with a movie. You deserved it after the long day you had yesterday. But you stayed up too late 'relaxing' and didn't get enough sleep.

"Long night?" he asked.

"Yeah..." you nodded sleepily, pulling your hair over your shoulder and out of your face, setting your bag down and booting up the computer.

"With all the paperwork I left you yesterday, I'm sorry you had to stay up to finish it."

Your eyes shot open and you gasped, going upright and rigid in your chair. The paperwork. You didn't finish it. It was still in your bag, after you had taken it from Taehyung's desk and not worked on it at all last-night. You groaned and hung your head in your hands, realising you had forgotten.

"... you didn't finish it, did you?"

"No! I forgot! I went home, and I had a bath and then... I just forgot," you pathetically whimpered, knowing that the boss would not be happy. You looked up to his glass office at the back of the room. He wasn't there. There was still time.

You wrenched the papers out of your bag and loaded up the program on the computer, fingers darting across the keys. Taehyung stifled a laugh as you typed furiously, trying to finish the paperwork before the boss arrived. The smile disappeared from his face and he raised an arm, nodding in acknowledgement as the door opened.

"I thought I asked you to make the deadline," a cold voice said to your left.

Your fingers stopped on the keyboard and you sighed, resigned. You lifted your head to meet the icy stare of the boss, Min Yoongi. His dark eyebrows and heavy brow cast a shadow over his eyes which stared mercilessly into yours. His white hair sat perfectly messy on top of his head and his pale skin was immaculate, with not a single imperfection staining his porcelain skin. He gestured wordlessly with a single finger for you to follow him.

You sighed and stood up. Taehyung held back a grin and raised his eyebrows at you. You followed the boss into the glass office and he gestured for you to sit in a chair in front of his desk. You sat, ankles together tightly and both hands placed above your knees, hands clenched into tight white knuckles.

"Didn't I make myself clear yesterday?" his voice murmured behind you as he locked the door. The sudden collapse of the blinds caused you to jump as the room descended into darkness. Only the sunlight of the window behind the desk illuminated the room but it was only just; the sun hadn't reached its high point yet.

"Y-Yes, sir," you replied meekly.

Yoongi sauntered around you from behind, one hand pinching and playing with his lower lip again. It was a habit he had when he was deep in thought. He slowly paced the room, agonizingly slow until he came in front of his desk, leaning back against it and crossed one leg over the other, hands supporting himself firmly on the edge of the dark wood.

"Then why have you not finished?"

You swallowed. "Sir, I... it was a lot of work all of a sudden..."

"Are you making excuses?"

You flinched, casting your eyes down to the ground and focused on his shiny black leather shoes. The silver buckle strap glinted, as immaculate as every other inch of him. "No."

"Then answer me properly; why have you not finished?"

"Because I... I... I didn't work hard enough..." It was a lie, a fat-faced lie and you knew it; you had worked hard enough, putting in over-time lastnight with Taehyung. But your first answer clearly wasn't good enough for Min Yoongi. He sighed annoyedly and pushed himself from his desk, standing in front of you. You didn't look up from his shoes.

"Then you best make sure you pick it up. I can replace you..." he whispered, snapping his fingers. You jumped again. "... like that."

You nodded dejectedly. There were a few moments of silence between you, only the tap-tap-tapping of keyboards and the low hum of a fan whirring could be heard in the room. You fidgeted nervously, toes flicking over one another in your shoes secretly. A commanding grip on your chin forced your gaze up.

Your eyes widened when they met the dark gaze of Yoongi. His body was leaned forward, one hand on the arm of your chair, almost overbearingly close. His face was inches from yours and yet when he spoke, you felt his icy breath wash over your lips. "Do I make myself clear?"

You swallowed hard. His lips tightened, and he leaned even closer, his voice going low and husky, almost rasping. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes, sir," you breathed, eyes flickering for a moment down too his soft-looking lips. He watched your gaze flicker. A smirk curled at the edge of his lips. He stood back up and let go of your chin.

"Stay late tonight. Finish everything." He gestured with the back of his hand for you to leave. You hurriedly shot out of the chair and left, closing the door tightly behind you. Your heart thundered powerfully in your chest as you returned to your seat, still bewildered.

"He really laid into you, huh?" Taehyung joked. You whipped your head to look at him. Had he seen everything? Had he heard everything? But his cheeky smile told you that he hadn't, he was just teasing.

"U-Uh, yeah... hah, yeah, he did," you murmured, still reeling. You took the papers from yesterday and started to work on them again, absentmindedly, mind focused elsewhere: on the dominating aura of his Min Yoongi's body leaning over yours, the icy wash of his words against your lips, and the dark penetrating gaze of his eyes through yours.

You shuddered and swallowed dryly. It was going to be a long night.

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