Chapter 18 - Taste

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Word count: 1605.
WARNING: something hotter but nothing too explicit. Read at your own discretion.


How you managed to heave two drunk men up to your apartment was beyond you. But you had managed it. Driving the two men to your apartment, your hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as Taehyung drunkenly slurred the words to the song on the radio. You'd thought it better to put the two boys in the back seat together so that they wouldn't distract your driving and you were glad of that.

Jimin's head was lax and thudded against the window a few times, almost drifting asleep. His hair was still fluffy but his bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead. His collar was creased and the top two buttons of his shirt had come undone. His legs were spread wide in the back of the car, as relaxed as possible. Taehyung, meanwhile, sang loudly, off-key and drunkenly, arms flailing without any consideration for the sleeping intern beside him.

Trundling up the stairs with one of Jimin's arms wrapped around your shoulder and the other over Taehyung's, you may as well have been carrying them both. Taehyung was useless in supporting Jimin's weight but you made it to your apartment, thrusting the key desperately into the lock. The door clicked open and the three of you stumbled in. You didn't bother to flick on the light, the streetlamps outside casting an orange glow into your living room.

"Tae, wash your face and go to bed," you instructed. He drunkenly grunted in recognition and wobbled towards the bathroom, stumbling into the wall and laughing loudly. You hushed him with a finger against your lips and he mimicked the action, almost like a child, using the wall as a support to wade into the bathroom.

You dragged Jimin over to the sofa and sat him down, sighing full of relief when his weight left your shoulders. How you had come to babysit two fully grown men this night was a mystery to you. Jimin groaned and flopped over onto his side, in a half-sitting half-lying position. You huffed and pulled off his socks and shoes, rolling his socks up and tucking them into one of his shoes, setting them beside your sofa.

He shifted comfortably up on the sofa and you stared down at him for a moment. Jimin hadn't opened his eyes since you'd left the bar, drifting in and out of consciousness. Laying on your sofa now, the streetlamp outside doused his hair in an orange light. Huh. He'd look good with orange hair. You brushed your fingers through his hair and he smiled restlessly, shuffling around.

Jimin curled his legs into his chest, like a baby. He looked adorable; face still pink, glasses askew and pushing into the pillow and his nose uncomfortably but he was too drunk to care. His plump lips were parted and soft snores escaped him; not quite loud but not peaceful, smooth breathing either. You took off his glasses, fetched a glass of water and put them both on your coffee table. Before leaving, you pressed a kiss to his crown of red hair.

Taehyung had almost managed to make it to your bed. He had fallen asleep, curled up, much like Jimin, on your carpet in your bedroom, bathroom light still on and water across his shirt and wetting his hair. Like a child, you thought, crouching down beside him. You made to shake Taehyung and he swatted at you, pouting in his sleep like he had the other day when you tried to wake him. Relenting, you pulled at his arm instead.

"Tae, cmon, you can't sleep here. Get up," you whispered, hoping not to disturb Jimin in the living room. He grunted loudly and tried to push himself up with his other arm but the effort was half-assed. You dragged him closer to the bed and put his hands onto the mattress, hoping he would pull himself up. He did and rolled onto the bed, eyes finally opening.

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