Chapter 20 - Heat

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Word count: 2087. Long chapter, very clumsy, sorry about that.

Slightly hot towards the end but not wholly smutty.
[EDIT: Fixed some spelling and grammar mistakes.]


Waking up with a heavy arm across your middle had become the norm. Stirring awake, brushing hair from your face and the crust from the corners of your eyes, the sunlight streamed through your netted curtains and giving your best effort to roll over, every morning for the last five days you had been met with Taehyung's sleeping face.

He had a variety. The 'peaceful' sleepy; where his face was entirely relaxed, puffy lips parted to let soft sighs slip past slightly chapped lips. Then there was the 'grumpy'; his eyebrows would furrow in his sleep, as if he was agitated by his own dreams and his lips were shut tight, breathing heavily instead through his nose. Perhaps your favourite though, was the 'Tae'; a sprawled out, arm and leg over you protectively, mouth agape and a face mushed into the pillow kind of position.

Rolling over in the bed, you faced him. Today, he was doing the 'Tae'. One arm over your middle, foot hooked over yours and you could feel the cotton of his socks against your bare skin. Still weird. Socks in bed. But it was inexplicably Taehyung, to be so strange, so childish, and so carefree.

Reaching up, to touch his sleeping face, it felt like touching an artwork that should have been preserved behind thick red ropes or a pane of glass. But your fingers followed the curve of his face, from temple to cheek-bone, skimming along his jawline and your fingertips grazed the edge of his lower-lip. He didn't stir at first, until your fingers lingered on his bottom lip a little too long.

He smacked his mouth, three times, as he always did when stirring awake, and managed to peel one eye open. His brown eye adjusted to the sunlight and finally met yours and then disappeared behind his eyelid again, smiling fondly, warmly.

"Morning," he croaked out, morning breath washing across your face. You smiled, uncaring, and cupped his cheek. He leaned up from the pillow, more into your touch, despite the uncomfortable crane it was probably causing in his neck. He yearned to be in your touch and so, with the hand around your middle, he pulled you closer too.

"Morning," you breathed out in reply. He kissed your head of hair and pulled you almost too close into him. All you could breathe in was his 'warm' scent. Struggling in his arms, you finally earned a gasp of fresh air and sat up, pajama shirt hanging low off your shoulders, barely staying. Taehyung cracked open both of his eyes and then lazily, with one arm, reached the pull the one sleeve down, exposing more of your skin.

You yanked out of his grip, pouting but he had a lazy, cheeky smile across his lips, and he stretched so that his back arched off the crumpled, used sheets.

"Plan on getting up?" you asked. He hummed for a moment and then grabbed one of your legs, shifting so that he coiled around it, arms and legs wrapped entirely around your lip. You sighed. "Is that a no?"

He just smiled again, nuzzling into your calf.


Returning to the office, curiously, was pleasant. Slipping into black office trousers and buttoning-up your shirt felt good and slipping on your ID lanyard returned a piece of you that you didn't think to be missing. You had enjoyed your extended vacation but definitely felt something missing. Driven and motivated, you couldn't sit still for too long before you had to find something to do.

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