Chapter 13 - Sleepover

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Word count: 1529.
Something very fluffy. I know I'm focusing a lot on Tae but it's good for the plot!


Graciously, Taehyung offered to and did clean the dishes. The pair of you had been sitting on the sofa together, watching television but you barely took in the rolling scenes on the screen. Your mind was still racing, trying to remember the feeling of Taehyung's strong hands squeezing at your thighs, tempting to dip under the hem of your shorts.

His eyes were eagerly focused on the screen throughout the show but you were staring hotly at the innocent connection of your thigh against his. It was nothing more than a touch where he was leaning into you and you into him and yet the connected skin was burning. The heat in the pit of your stomach still hadn't cooled and twisted and turned uncomfortably, tossing like lava.

Taehyung stretched and his back cracked. "Bed?" he offered.

You jumped a little and then nodded slowly, pushing up from the sofa, stumbling on your jelly-legs. Taehyung reached out and held your arm. "You alright?"

"Yeah... l-legs fell asleep, pins and needles..." you murmured. Calm down, you told yourself. You're getting worked up over nothing. He massaged you to take care of you, the way Taehyung does, pushing it just a little too far. It doesn't mean anything. You tried to tell yourself that what Taehyung had done was just caring but your pounding heart and burning body screamed otherwise.

You walked to the bedroom and flicked your light on. Your room was a soft pastel haven but was messy. Clothes were strewn in one corner, in a hamper but also collected around it. You nervously kicked a shirt over a pair of discarded underwear, trying to hide it. Your bed wasn't made and your makeup was strewn across your dresser, foundation fingertips staining the white drawers.

"Sorry it's a mess," you laughed.

"I didn't expect anything less after the state of your front door," he chuckled too. You stuck your tongue out at him and crawled into your bed. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room for a minute, eyeing your decór. His eyes skimmed the netted white curtains, the photographs tacked onto your white walls of you and your family and friends, and the piles of papers on the floor beneath your dresser. He kicked at it with his foot.

"This is work?"

You sighed. "Yeah. Stuff he's given me and I finished but I kept the papers in case something was wrong or he needed them again."

Taehyung frowned and gestured for you to lie down in the bed. You did and he rolled the blanket up your body, stopping at your chest so that your arms could come over the top. He flicked the lights off and sat at the edge of your bed, stroking your hair.

"You work hard."

"I know. I have to."

Taehyung's frown deepened and he took a strand of your hair, rubbing it between his fore-finger and thumb idly. His eyes were lost. Again, something of the usually energetic and annoying Taehyung was missing. He was gentle with you and his eyes were flickering, racing with thoughts. He let go of your hair and smiled broadly but gently at you.

"You need to rest now. No work, no pushing yourself, just rest."

You sighed. "It's hard. You know it's not in me to relax. I get stressed out when I relax."

He nodded knowingly. Years of knowing one another, he knew you weren't the relaxing type. The pair of you were a direct reflection of the Type A Type B personality theory; you were Type A fuelled by impatience, competition and were highly organised, often pushing yourself to the very edge. Whereas Taehyung was the epitome of Type B; much more laid-back, steady and almost lazy. Polar opposites who, thankfully, seemed to work well together.

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