Final Chapter - Transfer

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Taehyung spinning endlessly in his chair never ceased to amuse you. From the corner of your eye, you could see him, staring up at the ceiling open-mouthed, spinning in circles. You had long passed the point of trying to get him to do any work and instead insisted that he just bring you coffee when you asked for it. He would always try and ask for a kiss 'as payment' and you would eventually relent and peck him on the cheek, much to the amusement of your co-workers.

For a full two weeks life seemed... good. Taehyung spent almost every night at your apartment – he had practically moved in. Though, he was an asset to have; he cleaned often and offered to cook sometimes too. The pile of shoes that was piled at the front of your door was now neatly stacked in a shoe storage box that he had bought of his own money. He gratefully appreciated the kisses that you showered him with when he brought it home.

"Tae, you'll make yourself dizzy," you eventually laughed, brushing some hair behind your ear. He slowed down and stopped himself suddenly and when he tried to look straight at you, his eyes whizzed from side to side, dizzy. You let out a loud laugh and snorted, covering your mouth with your hand as you giggled away, watching him shake his head.

"Beats doing any work," he grinned, untwisting a chocolate wrapper. He popped the end in his mouth and held it between his teeth and leaned in close to you. You rolled your eyes and leaned in to hi, about to take the chocolate from his mouth with your own. But instead, you reached up and plucked it from between his teeth with your fingers and popped it into your eyes. You wiggled your eyebrows teasingly.

"Hey, no fair! That wasn't supposed to happen!" he shouted. You chewed up the chocolate and winked at him.

"Thanks, sweetie," you grinned. Taehyung turned pink and turned back to desk, hunched over, trying to calm down his growing blush. You watched, bemused.

"What did you do this time?"

"I didn't indulge him in his game, Jimin," you laughed up at the blonde intern. He had appeared at your desk, clutching a stack of papers and set down a cup of coffee at your desk in your usual mug.

"See; Jimin doesn't ask for payment when he brings me coffee," you taunted, taking the hot mug gratefully in your hands and leaning back in your hands, feeling your spine crack as you finally relaxed. Taehyung whipped his head up.

"Hey! Don't compare me to him!" he retorted.

Jimin gasped, feigning offense. "How dare you!"

"Don't put me in competition with him! I'd wipe the floor with him anytime!" Taehyung asserted, nodding and folding his arms across his chest confidently. You and Jimin both laughed, and he shook his head as he walked away. You sipped your coffee and leaned over, planting a soft kiss on Taehyung's kiss. He jumped at the sudden kiss.

"I'm joking. I'll ply you with a hundred kisses if it means one coffee from you," you smiled. Taehyung's cheeks burned a darker red than before and he shoved you back towards your cubicle and away from him, more flustered than before.

Yeah; life was good.


Your foot tapped annoyedly in the air, jerking as you stared impatiently at the empty desk before you. Min Yoongi had called you to his office and allowed you to sit in the empty room for several minutes, alone, until he returned. The sheer gall of the man to make you wait. You surveyed the room, realising you had never taken it in much before.

Bookcases lined the left wall of his office, laden with books, immaculately ordered either by series, colour or size, as some as meticulous as Min Yoongi would. There wasn't a speck of dust to be seen across the shelves; they must have been cleaned or used regularly. On the desk was a pile of papers, neatly stacked with a black fountain pen laying perpendicular with the edge. Perfect. Exactly as Yoongi would have it.

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