Chapter 17 - Drunk

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Word count: 1977.


Taehyung stayed the night and like the other, he slept on top of your covers and you beneath them. His chest was pressed warmly against your back and one arm flopped over your middle. Your fingers tentatively reached for his and loosely held on as you fell asleep peacefully.

The following Saturday morning was just like the other morning. He was sprawled out but this time, half on top of you, laying on his stomach, face squished to the side and his mouth hung open. He still had one arm over you and his leg over yours so that his foot was hooked against yours. He wore socks to bed. Weird.

You attempted to push him off you but he stirred slightly and moved his arm so that you could hold your shoulder, pulling you in closer. He smacked his lips a few times and shifted his face so that it wasn't as mushed against the pillow. He looked handsome; immaculately carved with a slight sheen of sweat to his golden skin, lips plump and parted to let soft sleepy sighs slip past.

"Tae," you whispered. He managed to peel one eye open but it swiftly rolled back and shut again. You laughed breathlessly and then removed his hand from your shoulder. Looking down at him, you pressed a kiss to his temple. He didn't react, far too deep in sleep and you were kind of grateful for that. Kissing him still felt alien to you; exciting, definitely, but still alien. Maybe with more it'd become familiar.

The morning repeated just like yesterday's; you made Taehyung breakfast, which he happily scarfed down with crumbs dropping into your bed and then planted a kiss on your lips. Yeah, you could get used to this. He offered to wash up again, as you got dressed for the day. He stuck his head back into your bedroom, just as you were slipping on a new shirt and he raised his eyebrows, wiggling them.

"Can I stay?"

"No!" you shouted, throwing your worn shirt at the door so that he ducked back out.


"Hmm," Taehyung hummed, scrolling through his phone. It was late afternoon and he had stuck around all day. Despite your argument that he had his own home to go back to, he waved you off dismissively, insisting that it was far more fun to stay here and annoy you and occupy your time. You sat at the kitchen table, halfway through your painting and you were getting better and faster at it. The puppies were almost done, leaving only the wicker basket and foliage left to be painted.

"What?" you quirked up from the kitchen. He turned on the sofa, leaning on the back.

"Just got a text from one of the boys at work. He says they're going out tonight and it'll be a get together for such a good term."

"Mmh," you responded.

"Wanna go?"

You lifted your head and thought for a moment. You weren't much of a drinker, especially not now after being so dehydrated and suffering from heatstroke. You could only imagine the smooth frown-lines on Dr Jin's disappointed face if you were admitted back into his care – but you knew he'd secretly enjoy having you back.

"I can't drink."

"Great. You're driving then," Taehyung grinned, shooting you a finger-gun and tapping rapidly at his phone. Before you could retort, you heard the woosh of a sent message and shook your head. You hadn't gone out drinking with your workmates in a long time; as soon as one good term had ended for your business, Min Yoongi had cracked the whip and sent you all straight back to work. His kindness was welcoming, but out-of-character. Perhaps a night out with coworkers would be fun.

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