Chapter 4 - The Intern

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Word count: 1165.


It had been six days since Namjoon had cornered you in the elevator and every morning and night he made sure to shoot you a bright smile with deep dimples as you came in and left. You would smile back at him and then look away quickly, still very shy.

Of course, Min Yoongi had not been as kind. He continued to give you insurmountable loads of work which you somehow managed to complete, perhaps surviving on 4 hours of sleep and pints of coffee. Taehyung tried his best to help you, but he often got distracted and resulted in you doing your own work anyway. Thankfully, he'd buy you food to keep you going.

You groaned and scratched at your scalp, letting out a satisfied sigh. Taehyung swivelled in his chair in circles beside you, staring up at the ceiling, mouth open with a cheeky smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"Are you going to do any work?" you asked, almost drowning under the paperwork piled on your desk. Taehyung's was instead littered with sweet wrappers. He looked at you with his eyes spinning a little from being so dizzy.

"Hmm... probably not. Not until the boss actually asks me to," he grinned. You felt a little bit of anger boil inside of you until it melted away into laughter as you looked at his stupid smile. Turning back to your work, you hunched over your keyboard and started typing up the information the boss wanted. You hadn't been in a private situation since the incident last week. Thinking about him and how close he had been to you sent cold shivers down your spine but thinking of Namjoon's warmth and protective nature, brought a rosy warmth to your face. How such paradoxical men could work in the same building baffled you.

A dark shadow loomed over your papers. Looking up you saw the face of Min Yoongi. He held some more papers in his hands and it took every bit of willpower not to scowl or let out a groan of frustration as he handed them to you.

"Get these copied. Twenty. I can't find my damned intern," he scowled, throwing them into your lap. He turned on his heel and sauntered back to his office, letting the door click shut behind him. Pushing up from your desk you took the papers and left the office.

Min Yoongi had an intern for almost eight months. Usually, the intern would either become a part of the team or leave the job if he wasn't good enough after the trial period of three months. But after eight months, he was still running around after Min Yoongi, at his every beck and call, at a disgustingly low pay rate. But the boy was still there working desperately hard to impress somebody who would never notice him.

Pushing open the door to the printing room, papers littered the floor. The room was tiny, almost like a cupboard, with a tall shelving unit with trays, boxes and papers stacked neatly against one wall. The papers were scattered messily, as if they had been dropped and a boy was on his knees, trying to pick them up. His crown of scarlet hair covered his face a little bit until he saw you walk in. His eyes trailed up your body, from your shoes to your legs, shirt and then face. He met your eyes and let out a soft audible gasp from between plump rosy lips. His pushed his round coke-bottle glasses further up his nose and then scrambled more to pick up the papers.

"Jimin, Yoongi is looking for you," you said, kneeling to help pick up the papers. Jimin tutted under his breath and cursed at himself.

"I know... he asked me to copy some things and I dropped everything. He wanted them in a specific order too and now I can't put them back right..." he trailed off. You picked up all the papers with him and hefted them onto the shelving unit, turning to smile at the red-haired intern.

"It's okay, I'll help you put them back right. I know how he can be," you said. Jimin smiled shyly back at you, and looked away, fidgeting with the I.D lanyard around his neck. You made light work of it together, following sentences and seeing which ones matched up across the pages.

You reached for a page and your fingers grazed the back of Jimin's. He froze for a moment but didn't retract his hand. It was so cliché for your hands to meet over a piece of paper you both wanted. His skin was soft; even just from the soft graze of your fingertips, you could tell. His eyes met yours and you saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat nervously.

Something hung in the air between you; a kind of innocent nervousness where Jimin's lip unstuck from one another and parted slightly. You watched his dry lips stick and peel away from one another as his breath hitched. His cheeks started to flush the same colour as his hair and your eyes swam over his face, getting lost in deep innocence of his brown eyes. The nervousness in the air washed over you and you felt your own cheeks heat up just a little. You finally moved your hand, twitching for the paper and took it, adding it to the top of your pile. Jimin finally blinked from behind his glasses and breathed again. He had been holding his breath.

"Sorry, I..." he started.

"I think that's the last of it," you interrupted. He looked at the piles of paper between you and then nodded, taking yours and putting it atop his. He bowed lowly and then without so much as a 'thank you', scarpered from the room, only the jangle of keys on his lanyard to be heard aside from quick footsteps.

Moving to the copying machine, you put the papers in. You stared at your hand and rubbed your thumb against the fingers that had grazed the back of Jimin's hand. Something about the boy's innocence stung your heart, as if someone was squeezing it. You pursed your lips and smiled to yourself. What an adorable boy.

Heading back to the office, you pushed the door open with your back and let the papers crash onto your desk. Taehyung jumped in his seat. You cracked your spine and leaned back, stretching. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at you.

"Secret admirer?"


"I think you have one. Look," he gestured, nodding to your desk. You looked to see a white mug of coffee with a pink, heart-shaped sticky note stuck onto it with a small 'thank you' scribbled messily. Your heart ached a little, and you took the hot mug into your hands and inhaled the satisfyingly bitter scent of coffee.

Sipping it, you let the warmthrush down your throat. Taehyung watched your face and frowned a little, suspiciouslyeyeing the heart-shaped note.     

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