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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Note: If you don’t like it, please don’t read it. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. English isn’t my first or my second language so forgive me for grammar mistakes.

Rating: M

Warnings: It’s TMR/HP slash.



        Harrison Potter was peeping through the kitchen door half hiding behind it watching the elves working frantically trying to finish it quickly so that they can go to cleaning the manor and decorating it. After all it’s going to be Christmas in a week. He liked watching the elves work in the kitchen. But they protest every time they caught him in the kitchen. He is five years old and the elves magic fascinated him. Not only the elves magic, every kind of magic fascinated any five year old. But there’s no one here to show him magic.

He doesn’t know why his dad avoids him. But he can guess that it has something to do with his mother’s death. His dad doesn’t like looking into his eye. He’s a five year old and craves affection but he can also understand that his dad will never look at him or teach pranks or play Quidditch with his toy broom or do anything with him. His brother and sister who are one year older than him likes to taunt him and mocks him sometimes. Their reactions and smirking faces are identical even if their gender is different.  Oh, he forgot to mention that they’re twins. He doesn’t like them but he doesn’t hate them either. After all they’re family.

But it doesn’t mean that his father beat him or neglect his needs. It’s just that his father neglect his feelings and his affections. But it’s okay because he has elves, his story books, his tutor and his godfather. He doesn’t like pranks that much and also he doesn’t like to be loud and boisterous which resembles his godfather’s character but still his godfather brought him presents and the most important part  is he cares. They don’t have much to talk because he likes quiet and peaceful silence with books which Sirius (call me padfoot) hates. But Sirius makes him laugh sometimes and bring cool presents.

Presents… he stilled at that thought. What kind of person he would have been if not the occasional visits from Sirius and his elves. Even with that he feels alone most of the time. It’s not so much fun sometimes just with elves and books because elves just take care of his needs and books don’t talk back and his tutor only speaks about his studies.

There must be children his age too feeling alone like him without anyone to care them and give presents. Orphanage, yes that’s the word his cousin used. There are orphans in orphanage and streets in the muggle world. He hadn’t heard about things like that in wizarding world. He heard about that from his stupid cousin Dudley. He doesn’t like his cousin and his family when they visit the manor sometimes. Dudley says hurtful words like he will be left in orphanage. Then he asked about this to Sirius and he explained that and brought some muggle books for child and a dictionary.

He’s very smart when he wanted to learn something. Like now he was going to learn how to sew, of course with the help of elves. He returned to his room and called his personal elf,


“Yes, master Harry”

“I want to sew”

“But master Harry,” the elf looked at him fearfully knowing how his master gets into strange moods.

“I wanted to sew a pair of clothes.” Harry said not hearing the elf.

“Master Harry, I is buying you from Diagon Alley”

“No, I want it handmade. It’s going to be a gift”

“Master Harry, you is child and you is not making it.”, The elf told him firmly.

“Please Tally”, Harry pleaded.

And the elf reluctantly agreed and said,

“But Tally is helping.”

Harry nodded happily and they started to do sewing a pair of shirt and trousers with a sweater. Most of them Tally did but Harry liked to think he sewed those clothes. They did the sewing whenever Tally’s free of work. It’s going to be Christmas tomorrow and he packed it with his own hands somewhat messily.

He wanted this to reach someone who feels so alone. He wanted them to get these clothes. Because in his mind the clothes are best gift to orphans and he wanted at least one person to get this. He wrote above the package,

To you,

From H.


Today is Christmas and he had a bit of problem. He doesn’t know how to send this to anyone or who to send not knowing who feels alone like him. He can’t ask his dad when he’s barely meeting his eyes. The Christmas tree was so beautiful and he felt so alone standing there by himself. His siblings and father went to try out their gifts and play with them. He sighed and placed the gift under the tree.

A week’s work is wasted. He was so excited to give this to someone. He just felt helpless. He felt childish and stupid even though he’s a child. He feels more mature than other children. And he feels so sad. He got presents, toys, new clothes but no one is here to celebrate it with. And he can’t even send this gift to anyone. He knelt down in front of the tree and closed his eyes.

A lone tear fell on the gift. A slight blue and grey mixed color glow appeared above it and the gift disappeared.

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