Chapter 05

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 05:

                          Sirius was biting his nails while waiting in the visitor’s area. He was so scared and worried more than he ever felt in his life. His precious godson was being treated inside and he wanted to go there right now. He was never a patient man. He felt so disappointed with himself for not protecting Harry well. He wanted to slam his head by the nearest wall for leaving Harry alone in the Diagon alley.

To top it all the worries Sirius didn’t know what is happening to his godson now a days and it’s making him very frustrated. Everything was going so well and then suddenly Harry became silent than ever and had dark circles some days. There were times Harry would completely still, black out for a while as if he didn’t know what's happening around him and strange looks thrown his way from Harry whenever he visited. He didn’t question him wanting Harry to tell whatever it is by himself. He should have asked Harry but he waited like a fool.

Harry had changed somehow. The childish naivety which Sirius loved about Harry seemed to be disappearing day by day. It has been four months since Sirius saw him happy and smiling openly which was last seen in December. He even fondly remembered the gift Harry bought and how his godson came out of his shell when Harry was with him.

------Sirius looked at Harry smiling at him in a mischievous way which he had never seen before and gaped when he gave a gift to Sirius. Sirius was sure he looked like an idiot, gaping at Harry not extending his hand. He snapped out of his thoughts when Harry’s smile started to disappear. He quickly grabbed the gift; putting it aside he lifted Harry and twirled him in happiness all the while enjoying Harry's joyous laughter along with protests of lifting him.

After a while he put Harry down and opened the gift eagerly feeling like a child once again. He giggled (which he will forever deny) and pulled what is inside. It contained two boxes.

He opened the first one and was surprised to find prank materials. He hugged Harry who was looking at him eagerly. He was so touched by Harry for thoughtfulness of buying him prank stuffs even though Harry never pranked anyone. Oh, come on who was he kidding? his baby doesn’t even know how to prank anyone. He is such a good child and so pure. He eagerly took the next box and found a chain.

A chain? For him?  No one ever brought him a chain or a pendant. He carefully looked at it and found there were some wordings as its charm.

My Siri.

“Oh Harry baby” Sirius exclaimed in an overly dramatic way and looked at Harry with shining eyes. He wore it immediately not caring about the teasing he will go through if anyone saw him wearing a chain. Because Sirius black never wears any kind of jewelry.

“I have a matching one.”

Harry showed his right hand which had a new bracelet he had never seen harry wearing before and smiled shyly at him. What Sirius doesn’t know is that the chain has some magical charms with the bracelet as its anchor.

He inspected the bracelet closer and found a grim in the bracelet curled towards the wordings

Siri’s baby.

His godson is going to make him cry one day.

Sirius knew anyone has to lean closer to read the wordings but he was happy all the same because Harry always protested him calling baby and went forward to hug Harry but Harry stopped him asking,

“Oh change into padfoot siri”

Not questioning about his godson’s strange request Sirius changed into padfoot in happiness. Then only saw a spell coming towards him and camera was spelled to capture both of them while Harry grinned and he stupidly looked at the camera.

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