Chapter 10

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 10:

                 Tom Riddle looked around his room feeling something off. He was getting a weird feeling for the past two weeks like someone is watching him. It’s not that people in Slytherin house didn’t watch him in disgust or glare at him but this time it felt like someone just watching him like being observed.

Tom looked around all the time as if someone is watching him, he felt like being observed all the time. Tom felt like an experiment being observed by a creepy scientist. Maybe it is a ghost. Tom Riddle still couldn’t get past the creepy feeling of the ghosts existing in magical world.

Tom had grown in an orphanage where the darkness and cruelty from other thoughtless children, who don’t know any better because of their upbringing and he had been just like everyone, was scared of ghosts when as a punishment of being locked down. So the ghosts sort of freaked him out. To top it all, the Slytherin ghost Bloody Baron just a big no, no for him. He had encountered one meeting with that ghost where that ghost went straight to his body, Tom shuddered remembering it.

Damn it, he hadn’t learnt to master the ghost banishing spell. Acting out of instinct and a moment of stupidity, he called out,

“Who is there?”

Harry watched Tom getting panicked, looking out every corner of the room as if expecting something to pop out from the wall. The door seemed to be half open and Harry bolted out from the room not caring if his legs became visible out of the cloak or not.

How is he going to introduce himself?

Hi? You don’t know me but you know me because somehow all my gifts ended up to you and I am in your room under invisibility cloak because I have been following you around for weeks like a stalker… No, it sounded insane even to him.

Harry dashed out to his room and tried to calm down from the fear of getting caught and the tension, driving him mad.

Tom felt something move out of the room. He clutched Terror who was shaking in fear and tried to calm Terror down. Well it’s not as if his hands are shaking… It’s just Terror is trembling in fear.

Yes, that’s it... He is going to agree to the weak third year who wanted to do his essay for once and going to make him ward up his room no matter how simple it may be.

“Sirius Black”

Harry called out Sirius’s name looking at the mirror, waiting for him to pick up. After a minute Sirius face appeared in the mirror.

“Hey baby”

“Siri, it’s an emergency”

Sirius suddenly looked alert and looked carefully at Harry's face.

“What happened? Did Snape give you detentions again?”

Harry hesitated answering and mumbled something. Seriously, what's going on? The more Harry hesitated, the more Sirius’s worry grew. This is why he hated sending Harry to Hogwarts. Sirius never liked it when he is not near or could reach Harry when his baby needed him.

“How to befriend someone Siri?”

Harry looked so serious and worried while Sirius breathed in relief that nothing happened to Harry. Now looking at Harry's face in the mirror asking him to befriend someone, Sirius can’t help but smile at him.

Honestly, Harry is too cute and adorable for the world. If it was up to Sirius, he will hide his baby from the world.

Finally, Harry found someone worthy enough to befriend. Well, what advice he should give Harry? Sirius and James sort of clicked as soon as they met on the train and Peter sort of followed them around and became friends. The only person he had befriended was moony.

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