Chapter 03

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 03:


                    Harry sniffed lying in the bed. It was so cold in January and he caught something which made him sneeze and sniffle. He hated it and from the medicinal books he read he identifed these are symptoms of cold and his temperature was little high too. He never saw his sister or brother or his father like this.

So here he was lying in bed buried in his blanket. He was a very brave not the Gryffindor brave he heard father talking about with his siblings but still brave and strong child. Now he didn’t feel like that because he felt weak and pathetic. He hated it. His tutor took one look at him and refused to come near him until he became normal.

Not even the house elves are coming near him except Tally. Tally only knows that it was not common for wizarding child to get fever in this age but Tally doesn’t know why. Tally provided him with extra blankets and pillows. It was so kind of Tally to do this but he felt so sad and lonely. No matter the rise of his body temperature, he felt so cold.

He took the picture from under his pillow which he ordered Tally to stole from his father when he was five. He wanted to keep it after he looked at the picture so he ordered Tally to copy the photo quickly and put the original in the same place. He kept it safe under his pillow or cupboard not that anyone came to his room but still he kept it safe.

He pulled the quilt over his head and saw with the help of dim light.

A pair of similar green eyes stared back at him and smiled warmly at him to which he gave a watery smile back at her. Then she waved while her eye winked at him. The picture repeated the action again and again.

Lily Potter

The love of his father’s life and his mother he will never get to know. Also his obsession which will consume his mind sometimes like when he planted a batch of lilies in the manor garden away from everything just for himself with the help of Tally or the times which he liked to create or paint something the exact same shade of her hair.

For the first time in his life Harry wished for his mother to be with him at least for a while. Harry knows that his mother too will hate him and avoid him like his father if she was alive. His eyes watered. It must be due to the fever not that he's crying. His mother was beautiful and brilliant and he knew that from the moment he looked at her photo. Why would she be any different from others and love him? Who would want him?

Suddenly he smelled lilies over the runny nose.

He shook his head over his stupidity. He must have imagined it. How could he smell anything with this nose? But he felt for one second that his mother reprimanding him for thinking negatively. Imagination is a boon for children like me, he thought bitterly.

He doesn’t know for how long he lay there like that. Suddenly his quilt was pulled from the firm hold he had on it. He looked up to see who came to his room and found a very worried godfather.

He quickly shifted and put the photo under his pillow in a very subtle way according to him. But deep down he knew his godfather saw it and he was glad that his godfather didn’t question him.

He then shuffled away from his godfather and curled into himself looking smaller than he was. He didn’t know if his godfather too will avoid him if he comes to know about his fever and cold.

“Harry baby, come here”

Harry shook his head not even protesting about the baby word his godfather used like he did usually.

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