Chapter 08

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 08:

                   Harry kicked the invisible stone and waited near the floo area of Sirius flat. Honestly, he's on time to board the train and find a compartment before everyone arrives. So what's the problem?  Sirius who forgot, more like delaying so that he will miss the train and keep his baby home.

“Sirius”, Harry yelled one more time to hurry up so that he will find a compartment before most of the students arrive and he really doesn’t want to meet any new kids on the train.

He too like Sirius doesn’t want to go to Hogwarts. He just knew it that he will never make friends or any acquaintances. It will be even more stressful keeping everything secret. He can’t get near people in fear of them finding his special abilities. He is just going because Harry valued education above all. He may be miserable there without Sirius but he will be happy with learning new things and he had heard many things about the magnificent castle.

“Baby, why do we have to reach the station this early?” Sirius asked who just got out of his room grumbling about the unfairness since he himself arrived almost a minute before the train departure much to his dear old mother’s disappointment.

“Because I want to find a compartment all for myself”

“Why Harry? Then how will you make friends?”

Harry turned away from his godfather,

“I don’t want any friends Sirius”

“Harry…” Sirius looked devastated.

“You and I know very well that I can’t get closer to people or make any friends Sirius.”

“But Harry…”

Sirius looked at Harry sorrowfully. He sometimes wondered how Lily gave birth to this wonderful child who is a perfect mix of lily and all the marauders.

He has James hair and looks but his eyes are like his mother. Sometimes Harry resembled his character, trying to hide his natural self with a mask like he did sometimes.

Now he could see his moony in the child. How Remus didn’t want anyone getting closer to him in fear of finding about him being a werewolf. He and James tried so hard to bring Remus out of his shell. Sirius wished Remus was here looking at this child who so resembled his moony now.

“It’s okay Sirius.”

“But you will be lonely Harry. A child should have friends to enjoy their school life. You have to trust at least some people Harry”

“Sirius, my friends may not betray me but they will definitely tell someone close to them or their parents about my ability and I can’t afford it. You know how it is”, Harry said shuddering at some of the stories he heard from Aunt Cassiopeia about Seers who were captured.

“But Harry… you’ll be all alone”

Looking at Sirius face Harry can’t help but lean forward and hug him.

“It’s okay Sirius. You know how awkward I am while interacting with others and why would I be alone? I have you Siri.”

Sirius knelt down and hugged the child. His baby had grown up and he was so proud of him. It has to be him comforting Harry instead his baby is comforting him. He wished someone will befriend Harry and be a loyal companion to Harry as James and Moony were to him.

“Okay then let’s check the list”

“What list?”

“Books, Robes, Uniform, Potion and astronomical things?”

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