Chapter 04

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 04:


                           James sighed watching the silent child wandering around the hall with his head buried in some book not caring about where he's going. And to his utter surprise that child didn’t once collided with anything. The child spent most of the time with his books. He silently stood behind a pillar and observed the child like he did sometimes. He could see the frown lines on the child's forehead and the eyebrows drawn together indicating that the book held the child's concentration completely.

He knew those green eyes which always held such intensity that it could see through your soul. Now some stupid book (yuck) held that green eyes complete attention. What was so fascinating about the book anyway? He shook his head it’s not any of his business anyway. Just then he was going to go away those green eyes stared straight at him as if that child knew he was here the whole time.

Such green, green eyes…….

Memories crowded his mind which he always wanted to stay away from.

--------- It was first day of his Hogwarts journey. He was anxiously looking through the train for a compartment and suddenly he found one which had only three children of his same age. He went inside and dropped his trunk when green eyes struck him with its brilliance and brightness that it startled him---------

--------- He was running from Sirius and collided with a person. He offered that person his hand to help and again struck by those green eyes that he ignored most of what the girl was yelling about him and stood there even after the girl went, looking like an idiot standing alone with a hand in the air-------

-------- Green, green eyes looked at him with such fury he could almost see them getting brighter and brighter with fury that he was standing in front of the great hall gaping at her eyes beauty while everyone around him laughed at him------

--------Green eyes glanced at him almost shyly in transfiguration class where everyone else had attention on the board. He could have missed it if he didn’t spend most of the time admiring her in classes. Then she turned away from him with a blush on her cheeks making them red matching her hair. He grinned all through the day getting seven detentions which is saying something-----

-------- The very same green eyes looked at him searching him for something he didn’t know about when she finally agreed to date him. And it brightened after a while finding Merlin knows what they were searching for on his face-----

------- Those green eyes looked at him in amazement, wonder and love when he was on his knees waiting nervously for her to accept his marriage proposal. To finally make her along with her vibrant red hair, green eyes as his. He never saw those eyes brighten more than now with tears and love again except gazing at the twins when they're born-------

James shook his head of his memories which still haunted him day and night without giving him rest. He looked up to see the child gone.


Green like Lily’s yet so different from Lily’s. Harry’s eyes were like emerald craved in eyeball shape.

He mused to himself on the way back to his room. This is one of the reasons he avoided looking at that child. He knew he was ignoring Harry. It triggered his memories of Lily, his Lily that it left him scarred for days. He knew it’s not right to ignore this child for his own pain. But he is not coping well with Lily’s death even after all the time.

He was honestly grief stricken and ignored everything for weeks not able to believe his Lily was dead. He didn’t remember after his days of survival to give that child a vaccine. He knew it was no excuse to forget about Harry. He couldn’t forgive himself then how could others forgive him? He was a man full of deep regret, bitterness and grief.

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