Chapter 17

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

Chapter 17:

Harry should have known better while looking at Riddle’s eyes turning a shade redder than the normal brown, must be because of the light or something that he should have never followed Riddle.

A year worth of wasting in running away from Riddle knowing that Riddle is searching for Harry but look what kind of situation he had brought himself into in a moment of stupidity.

Harry cannot even tell what he had gone through while sitting among rest of the students waiting for the winner to emerge out of the maze. No one knows what was going on inside the maze and when he heard the scream of Delacour, Merlin alone knows how he stayed there without running into the maze to see if Riddle was alright or not..

Harry felt worried for him because… because…

Tom Riddle owes his life to Harry.

Yes, Harry had witnessed some of Riddle’s childhood in the orphanage through his visions and he had realized that how much his gifts helped him in surviving. Harry felt personally responsible for the kid he had been unknowingly looking after.

Tom Riddle’s life doesn’t belong to himself instead it belongs to Harry now…

What was the reason for Riddle to enter into this stupid tournament? Granted the price money will help Riddle financially but Harry is beyond worried to think logically and the every minute waiting in the stand, clutching Draco’s hand in fear and tension felt like a year.

So when Riddle emerged from the maze with the cup, Harry breathed in relief to find him alive but soon the tension and worry returned seeing how Riddle was wounded and the sight of Madam Pomfrey taking the other champions instead of Riddle to the infirmary made him disappear from where Draco and the twins are, silently followed the group heading towards the infirmary with his invisibility cloak on to check how Riddle is, ignoring his instincts warning for the first time in his life.

It is a punishment for ignoring his instincts that he was caught by Tom Riddle. Riddle had somehow known that he was the one who helped Riddle last time while he was injured and the spells he used on him because it is the same room he healed Riddle last time.


But it is not the time to wonder about it when Riddle had outsmarted him for the first time and Harry swore Riddle’s eyes turned red a second again.

“Hello Lillian Potter…”

Harry's eyes widened hearing the next words out of Riddle’s mouth.

“Or should I call you H”


How did he find out?

Harry was panicking inside while Tom Riddle pulled him closer and stared straight in his eyes.

Thinking of Lillian Potter as H was only a guess he had come to and the second task and knowing he is called as Harry had brought the suspicions stronger than ever and now looking at Lillian Potter confirmed his suspicions almost.

“Tell me you're H”

“I am not…..”

Lillian opened his mouth to say something further and Tom smirked at him, pointing his finger on the floor, making Lillian to look at where he is standing.

“You're standing on a truth circle Lillian Potter.”

Tom had won this time because he came prepared to every possibility because this time he cannot let the possibility of knowing H slip away.

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