Chapter 16

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You Were There For Me Through Gifts:

(Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. And there are some lines in this chapter taken from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.)

Chapter 16:

Harry looked down at the clutch of eggs and spotted the gold one, gleaming against its cement-colored fellows, residing safely between the dragon’s front legs from where he stood with his siblings.

His heart was going to burst with all the nervousness because he doesn’t have the courage to see Tom Riddle facing a dragon, trying to complete the task of retrieving the golden egg.

Harry felt that Tom was not the one facing this task instead he was the one in front of the dragon. Because the nervousness he is feeling is entirely unnecessary but he cannot help it since it is Tom…

It is not just anuone but Tom Riddle.

Tom Riddle hid around a huge rock when the dragon roared as soon as he entered the arena.

Harry watched, ignoring the shouts and scream from the crowd when Tom came out in open, abandoning the rock, his wand pointed at the dragon so bravely and yet still cautious of it. The whole crowd fell silent when an entirely large snake almost as huge as the dragon came out of Tom’s wand, representing his Slytherin house and the snake went straight at the dragon.

“Look at that!” the commenter went off again with commentary “I had never seen a huge and terrifying snake like this. A wonderful show of magic from our youngest champion”
The Slytherin crowd screamed aloud, breaking their usually stoic silence when they looked at their mascot fighting a dragon proudly but the other house members seemed to have a mixed reaction, what if Riddle lost the control of the huge snake and attacks the crowd?

Harry watched with fascination when the dragon got distracted by the snake and moved away from its eggs and Riddle used it as an opportunity and itched towards the egg swiftly.

Just as soon as he neared the egg, the dragon’s tail came straight at Tom and Harry gasped along with the entire crowd, not able to contain himself.

Harry watched the rest of the task through his fingers in nervousness, his twin siblings giving him a weird look.

Soon Tom raised a shield strong enough to hold the tail off from hitting him, Tom grabbed the golden egg quickly and Harry saw the dragon keepers rushing forward to subdue the dragon as soon as he grabbed that golden egg. And the crowd went crazy especially the Slytherins when the snake Tom had charmed now turned into numerous little balls of light and they all reunited and merged; they had formed a great shimmering snake, which slithered up into the sky and burst finally, glitters began to fall over the stand like a silvery green color rain, disappearing just few inches above the students, giving the sight of Riddle standing on the center of arena like he owned the world.

The whole crowd cheered for him louder that a Hogwarts student had survived past the dragon and without any injuries, looking at Tom in center of the arena uninjured, raising his golden egg in victory towards his Slytherin housemates, Harry felt stupid for being overly worried about him ever since he came to know about the task has dragons in it.

Soon Tom Riddle’s eyes searched the crowd as if searching for someone and found his eyes somehow. Harry was unable to look away from them but soon Tom was ushered away by the Professors and Harry finally felt like breathing again.

Harry didn’t know why he allowed Tom to have this much effect on him. Harry hated being vulnerable and Tom seemed to make him feel just that.

It seemed Tom wants to converse with him, catch him for which he is not sure why but he cannot meet with him no matter how much he searches for Harry, Harry will always be steps ahead of him using the secret paths in this castle to his advantage. Harry cannot get close to Tom since the vision of Tom becoming someone powerful and catching him as a seer still fresh in his mind. Harry cannot allow that.

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