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She wiped of the wet mascara circles from around her eyes and dragged herself to the store. She would have left her hair as black to match the state of her mind but it just didnt seem right to have to carry last weeks baggage along. 

Between the reds and the ghastardly mustard yellow, a midnight blue lied. She would have opted for something a bit different considering it was the same shade as her eyes and did not want to be one of those people...  

But it just felt right.

She picked it up and slumped over to the till, spotting Calum, who was smiling at her like she was coming with his lottery check.  

He couldnt see her like this. 

Why she cared about his perception of her was what she liked to think of as unknown rather than unadmittable, he just had that effect, the ones people wrote books about. She had never encountered anyone who possesed it and to find him, he was too perfect to be real and she stopped falling for fairy tales a long time ago. 

She slid past him and went to Kim who had always snuck her a pack of mentos whenever she thought  Emma needed something to be happy about because she wasn’t the type to comfort, she was just the type to observe. 

 She  felt worse as she saw Calum's face drop, filled with embarrasment and dissapointment. 

fuck Emma, why do you have to upset everyone around you? selfish much 

Normally she would have quickly dismissed the annoying shit in my head but she was right, she was selfish, She was a bad person. 

Emma handed Kim the ten and she tossed the mentos, not bothering to print up a reciept. They both knew  it was just going to be left there anyway. 

She head out the automatic doors and looked back at Calum who was sat on the stool with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his palms, staring at her. 

Hair Dye -hood //e d i t i n g//Where stories live. Discover now