CHAPTER 4-the letter

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The next morning when I woke up and went to brush my teeth, I saw a letter in a fancy, black envelope and it was addressed to me, it was from the Willow school!!
I quickly opened it, and read:"dear Annie fuller, your invited to the reopening ceremony of our school on July 14th, that's two months from now.. We are informing you early because you have to make a few preparations before you come,your senior, Lisa Pennington will help you with that and the traveling but what you have to do is to make your parents agree, once you come here, you will have to take a test, if you score good(above 90/100) you will have an interview with the principle, mr.jimmy hilson, if your selected, then all you have to do is pay the fee, which will be announced later, and then your recruited, it's your choice, you can continue from now or join next semester. Well, joining or not is your choice, but your one of the chosen few and have been spotted by one of our staff members and they think you have great spiritual knowledge and need to let it out and use it.P.T.O for more details and about what to carry.the contact numbers and all additional details are written behind. Hoping to meet you soon. Your presence will be appreciated. The vice-principal a.k.a miss.amanda Walker. Thank you."

I told Kate and lex about it in school, they said they didn't receive any invitation.

After school finished, me and hailey went to meet Lisa because she received the invite too, she said that every year, over 150 people come, but only 40 get selected. She said that each grade consists of around 40 people and there are two sections-the angels and the dragons(they're just names)and each section consists of 20 people. And there are only 5 grades.

"Although my grade only has 20 in the fifth grade, last year!!, I'll graduate next year and that's it." She said. She sounded like she was really gonna miss it..

We shopped for all the things they told us to pack and by the time it was July 14th we were ready!

But on July 7th something creepy took place.

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