Chapter 8-the day that changed my life

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After 5 days of studies, Lisa and Alice guided us to our classroom for our test, as Lisa told, there were two classrooms, Angels and dragons, we just went to a random classroom, the classification takes place after we pass the test. So yup the block we were in, was for first years/first graders, had two floors, each floor had two classrooms, the second floor was for angels and the first class consisted of 20 people and the other class consisted of another 20 people, downstairs was for the dragons, one classroom consisted of 20 and the other, 20, same as the Angels..this block was for the home classrooms of the first years, there are different blocks for different subjects and different areas for different grades, so the last years have an entire different area called north wood in where they're blocks are, our area was called Eastwood.And ya in each area, the main block(is in which our home classrooms are)is huge and is located in the front and the rest of the blocks are located according to their importance.each block also has their own sports field, cafeteria, mini library(these libraries are not included in the official campus libraries, the three main libraries) a park, an assembly hall and a small activity/church-kinda place, like a experimenting place I guess, the campus also had two graveyards and one church, one temple and one mosque for all types of religions, even though they don't believe in different gods and religions, they built these because people wanted to worship their gods and said they'd leave if they didn't allow them to do so.

We went to the dragons classroom for the test because it was downstairs. When we got the question papers, I went through the paper, we got a 20 min reading time and we got 2 hours to complete writing the paper, the paper consisted of two A4 sheets and one half sheet. Since me and riya prepared a lot, it was easy for us but I didn't get two questions, I didn't even attempt them, so I was kinda scared but I aced the power point presentation, our spiritual psychology teacher and our principal said mine was one of the best because I captured the depth and insight.we also had two activity rounds, one in the experimental place and one in the graveyard, I got an A in both of them, everybody said I had great spiritual hidden knowledge.after the test was done, we had the last part of getting selected, an interview with the principal!
I was the fourth last person to go, when I opened the door, he said "well fuller, your first Impression wasn't that great, remember?in the hall, we haven't had one late student to the main hall for the reopening ceremony from the past 30 years!and you and your two little bratty friends did it this time! But when me and miss Walker corrected your paper, we were shocked to see such great SPIRITUAL knowledge!i must say, you've left two questions but they only consisted of 1 mark each, and you've got everything correct, in the activity round you've got A+ for both! In the power point, me and mr.james, your spiritual psychology teacher loved your presentation and it was one of the best! Your score is 88/100 till now, the interview will get you 10 marks, your first till now and the best in your batch, if you hadn't left those two questions this interview wouldn't have really been that necessary for you, the questions were simple, but it's ok, if you ace this interview, and get 10 marks, your score will be 98, and you'll be the topper, we will pay the fees and the recruitment money for this semester and the next!thats your reward, if you get two, you'll be selected, so let's see" I said "okay, I'm ready, go on"

"This is a situational question, I'll put you in a situation and you'll have to tell me how you'll react, your alone at home, imagine your home is located away from the city and away from people, someone knocks your door, you open it, it's your mom, you spend some good quality time together, but after s while she becomes possessed by a dangerous spirit and tries to harm you, you'll have two options:kill her or try escaping, what will you do?"

"I'd choose neither, I replied, I'll have to think outside the box, I'll have to realize that these two options are not the only two options, I guess your trying to test my thinking and my capability, well I'd contact an exorcist or a priest, but first I'd make the lemon chilli charm and Lock her inside and try all the other ways to keep spirits away."

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