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Samiyah's POV:

I woke up because of my alarm clock, not feeling too great immediately.

I laid on the bed for good ten more minutes before standing slowly up.

My head was aching badly I was feeling overall bad.

I grabbed onto the wall when I get onto my two feet finally. I was just so dizzy. Sitting down for a second, waiting for the feeling to pass, I was finally able to get ready for school.

I didn't have anything big today so it would be easy to stay home and rest but I think every school day is important so I still have to go.

I get ready finally and walk slowly downstairs. I see my brother sitting cooking something but I just ignore it. It's not like I can keep anything down right now.

I was almost next to the door when Calum stopped me.

"Good morning my sweetest sister! I made some blueberry waffles for you." My brother exclaimed happily.

I'm busted

"I don't feel good, Calum..." I whispered softly, turning around at the same time.

"Oh, baby... You need to be more careful because your blood sugar levels could be low... Go back upstairs and rest. One day out of school won't do any harm."

"Can you carry me? I feel a little dizzy."

"Of course, baby. I will do everything for you." He said, scooping me up on his hands.

You see, since our father died, my brother has been really overprotective. The death was so big shock to my body that I got Type 1 diabetes. I have it's the easiest case but it could get bad really soon.

Calum laid me on the bed and tucked me in. "Good night sweetie. I'm off to work but don't hesitate to call me when you feel worse."

"Okay," I replied softly, before turning around and falling asleep.

-- 3 Hours later --

I woke up suddenly, feeling worse than ever.

Too scared of passing out, I grabbed my phone and pressed my brother's contact.

After a few rings, he finally picked up.


"Cal?" I cried into the phone, only feeling worse and worse.

"Samiyah? What's wrong? I'm coming home!" He yelled worriedly and I could hear him running around.

"I don't feel good... my head.." I trailed away, laying down again.

"Hold on, baby. Few more minutes. I will be there soon..." he whispered and I'm not sure if had to hear it or not.

As he said, a few minutes later he busted through the door and dropped to his knees beside me. I could see Ashton with him carrying a medical bag. He is a paramedic so he is used to carrying it all the time.

My brother, Ashton, Luke and Michael run a little clinic but they are extremely popular so last year they had to hire some more people. At first, they didn't want to but then they said it was okay and now there are about 20-30 people working there.

"Calum we need to take her to the clinic," Ashton whispered to Calum and the last one nodded.

"Can you stand up, baby?" Calum asked me.

I just weakly shook my head no and closed my eyes a little.

"Don't go to sleep," Ashton demanded but not with an angry voice.

Calum lifted me up bridal style and carried me downstairs to his car.

Ashton climbed up to driver seat and I was in back with my brother.

Feeling extremely tired, I just started to close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep.

"No baby, don't go to sleep yet. Did you check your sugar level this morning?"

"I forgot" I whispered, looking at him.

"Shit. I think your blood sugar is extremely low." He said worryingly and looked at Ashton, "Can you drive faster."

Ashton only nodded and stepped on the gas pedal a little more. He also turned on a little light in the front of the car to signal that we are like an ambulance or something like that.

We finally pull up and both boys run in fast with me still on his arms.

"Luke! Get the glucometer! Fast!" Ashton yells, leading us to free room.

They lay me on the bed I curl up into a ball.

Luke takes silently my blood levels and they all walk out of the room for a second.

I still feel really tired so I just relax a little and close my eyes, while boys walk into the room.

-- an hour later--

I slowly open my eyes, feeling a little better but still bad.

My eyes wander around the room, seeing an IV in my hand. I freak out a little but soon calm myself down again. Boys are talking quietly at the end of the room, not realizing that I'm awake already.

I want to call for Calum but he is already walking on my way.

He starts to give me a normal check up but as soon as he reaches my stomach, I suddenly feel the urge to throw up.

I jump out of the bed to the bathroom and vomit. In a second, Calum is next to me holding my hair and calming me down.

After 10 minutes, I can finally stop.

I lean my head on Calum and he picks me up, carrying me back to bed.

"Samiyah, your sugar blood was really low before. You need to be more careful." He said, petting my hair at the same time.

"One more thing... We need to give you a shot to cure your stomach bug."

"No, no, no!" I started to scream and thrash around. All the boys ran next to me to hold me down but it didn't help much.

"Samiyah, please calm down, we won't hurt you." Calum tried to calm me but as you can think, It wasn't helping.

Until Michael said something...

"Done!" He screamed slightly and I froze.

"See, it didn't hurt." My brother reassured. I calmed down because there was nothing I could do anymore.

"Let's go home and watch some movies with ice cream."

I just nodded with a smile and as he promised, we spent rest of the day watching movies.

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