Lost in the forest

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Everest POV:

The forest was amazing around this time of the year. The trees were covered in bright yellow leaves and the cold freshness that traveled around made even the laziest people awake. I really enjoyed the fall. 

My father had a long weekend ahead in the hospital so he allowed me to go have a walk in a nearby forest. He usually comes with me but today I was all alone and I kind of enjoyed it. I needed a bit of time to set my mind straight after a long school week of tests and more tests. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket so I tugged it out, only to find my father calling me. "Hey, Dad, what's up?"

"Hey Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that I left some pizza in the freezer and I won't be back before 12 tonight. I'm so sorry for it but well, enjoy your walk. Oh and text me when you come back"

"Thanks, and don't worry. I will be fine. I love you."

"I love you too, see you." My father changed up and I put my phone back in my pocket. I smiled widely when thinking about my dad. He had a lot of love for me and I didn't mind it. How could I? He made sure my every day was filled with colorful flowers and rainbows. Oh and pizza. 

I was walking on the edge of a large hole with a really steep edge. It would probably make a really nice sledding place without all the trees, rocks and bushes but at the current state, it was unusable. But putting it all aside,  I was one of my favorite routes as the tastiest blueberries and lingonberries grew among it.

I was just about to but some berries in my mouth when I heard a strange noise, turned around too fast and tripped over a rather big rock that I had been cautious about for a while now. Immediately I felt the ground below me disappear, the rock causing me to wall down into the large hole. 

I tried to stop my fall with grabbing branches but everything was happening too fast. My mind was whirling around and I just wished it would all stop. I didn't feel good anymore. I wanted home. I wanted my dad. 

Another rock finally broke my fall with a large thud. I hit my forehead against it and then my waist and knees. I hurt so much that I just fell to the ground and laid there. I wanted to stay awake. More than I ever wanted anything. But it was so painful that I got lost in my own mind. 

Calum's POV:

I kept staring at my phone throughout the whole day. Everest was supposed to text me when she gets back but still hasn't done it. And frankly, I was getting worried about her.

"Hey man, what is so interesting on your phone? You have been in the clouds the whole day. Everything alright?" Luke, one of my colleagues and best mates asked. 

I raised my head, thinking if I was just overthinking but still decided to tell him. "It's Everest. She was supposed to text me when she gets back from the forest. It's getting dark and she still hasn't done it. I'm getting worried but I also can't go home and check." I explained shortly and I could see his expression turning serious. 

"Ashton is almost done for today. Ask him to go and check if she is alright." Luke said just as his beeper went off. "I need to go, but keep me updated."

I nodded and started my fast walk towards Ashton's office. He was a psychologist so he was working in a more normal schedule than me, Luke and Michael. I knocked on his door, hearing a faint 'come in'.

As I stepped into the office, he was already packing up. "Oh hey, Calum, what's up," he asked with a smile.

"I can sense something is wrong with Everest but I don't know what. She still hasn't texted me if she is back from the woods or not. I was wondering if you could go and check on her..." I explained.

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