Imagine to rijss223

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I'm so sorry for taking so long to write it. I have felt a little bit discouraged but I will still be writing. Not as much but still something. It's not my best work but I hope you enjoy.




"Lia, wake up. You need to go to school." Liam was shaking me awake and I could hear from his voice that he was annoyed. But I still wasn't thinking about getting up so easily. They were the ones that kept me awake last night making me watch that sad dog movie. 

I turned around and pulled the blanket over my head when he repeated my name a few more times. "Lia, please don't play games with me. You will be late..."

"Mhh..." I just let out before my tired eyes started dropping again, sweet dreams appearing in my mind again. 

Phone downstairs started ringing and Liam groaned again. "Am I the only one taking care of things in this house?" He yelled out, a little bit mad that nobody answered the phone. 

He stormed out of my room, warned me on last time to get up but I must have fallen asleep. And he didn't wake me up again. So maybe he gave up? 

After an hour I get up and walk downstairs, only to see all five sitting around the kitchen table, looking strictly at me. 

"Anything you want to tell us, Lia?" Louis starts as he is the closest to me. I stop on the last step and honestly my mind fills with fear. 

"N-no... Not that I know of..."

"Then how can you explain that your school just called saying that you haven't filled out the vaccination sheet for THREE months? THREE fucking months, LIA!" Liam stands up and walks towards me while everybody else just remains in their places.

"I-I... I'm sorry..." I just whisper, trying to get away from my brother and apparently my doctor. I would like his profession but I'm more too afraid of those big ass needles they use. And overall the fact how doctors don't care if they blow your vein or not. 

Niall stands up in the background which makes Liam back up a little bit. "You are coming with us to the clinic, Lia. You need those shots, the sooner the better."

Fear ran across my face as I backed up step by step. I turned to run upstairs only to bump into Harry who was waiting for me with open arms. "Don't even try to run away. We know all your methods."

I tried to get out of his grasp but he was too strong and I could see others boys rushing to finish their breakfast as soon as possible. I didn't have much time anymore... I was so terrified of needles that I was ready for everything. Even spending the rest of my life in a park under a swing or something like that...

At some point Harry's grip loosened which gave me more strength to fight only to lose again. he noticed it and held me even stronger but at the same time light enough so he wouldn't hurt me.

I was still tensed up but I stopped fighting a few minutes later. The boys were still getting ready and I was tired. I leaned against Harry, not relaxing for a minute but still okay with the position I was in. Harry sat down on the stairs and pulled me into his chest. He was kind of blocking the view with his hand so I wouldn't constantly look for others and how far they were. He knew I could have a panic attack...

A bang of the door made me fully alert and once again I was trying to get out of this situation. "Let me go!" I yelled out but nobody paid attention. Boys ended up dragging me to the car and locking the doors before I could run away again. I wasn't trying to cause them trouble but I didn't feel like I was controlling the situation. Something I really feared. Something that also triggered my fear of needles when I was little and got sick. 

I leaned my head against the window when Liam started driving toward the clinic. I had my school bag placed in front of my feet, meaning I still had to be in some of the lessons. 

I felt drained but I didn't say a word. Boys looked at me from time to time sympathetically and I hated those looks.. But I also couldn't do anything about them. I messed up. Big time. 

The way from the car to the clinic was even harder for me. Even the smell made me feel sick and I was begging my brothers to let me go but nobody listened. Zayn ended up with throwing me over his shoulder which made me cry out in terror. 

"Please, let me go.." I pleaded but nobody paid that much attention to me anymore.

They took me straight to the exam room, locking the door and placing me on the bed. The boys gathered around a computer to shots I needed to get. All of them except Niall who was taking my blood pressure. I let him do it almost normally because it wasn't a needle... I can be okay with that... 

"Okay, then little sis. Your blood pressure is a little bit too high but I know that you are scared." Niall started and put down the machine, "It will be okay, You will be in full control alright?"

I slowly nodded as other boys gathered around me. Louis was somewhere behind me and it was scary because I didn't know what he was doing. Niall was still sitting next to me and he could very clearly sense my fear.

"Honey, this one goes to your arm. It will be over before you will know it. I will hold you. Don't worry please..." Niall whispered into my ear but it didn't mean that I didn't tense up. There was a needle close to me. Of course, I'm fucking terrified. 

I felt the needle pinch my skin and I cried out in pain as Niall held me a little bit stronger and others were saying comforting things to me. I felt the needle leave but I was barely calming down when I felt the same pinch all over again and this one hurt like hell. I panicked and my breathing quickened. I didn't feel good anymore and as soon as the needle left again, Niall left my side and pushed me down on the bed.

"Honey, Honey, I'm so sorry, please breath with me... Two more and then you are done. It's okay. You will be okay." Niall was brushing hair out of my face as terror clouded my mind. 

I felt Louis clean a spot on my thigh while various hands touched different parts of my bodies.

"Lou, do it as fast as you can alright? She will pass out otherwise..." Zayn whispered, probably trying to avoid me hearing but I did anyway.. 

The first pinch in my thigh and my mind was dizzy. I wanted to leave. Tears were streaming down my face as Lou inserted the last needle couple of seconds later. I didn't feel good. But I knew it was over.

"I'm so sorry Lia... I'm so sorry..." Louis whispered in the distance while I cuddled my tired body into Niall. 

"Sleep, honey, you need the rest. Nobody is doing anything anymore..." 

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