Imagine to BarbaraSieger5

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I walked through the doors only to greet my brothers over smiling face and few of his best mates in the background. If I could, I would be in my room, sleeping off my hungover from last night but no. They just had to drag me here today to get my blood test and all that shit done. Like I'm perfectly healthy. No need for that but they are still insisting like my mother would be.

Sadly she is not because she is dead and now my brother gets to do whatever he likes with me. I wish I was eighteen already. I could move out, drink and party whenever I want and also be the person I want to be.

"Cmon Becca, where is that little smile?" My brother walked towards me and pulled me into his embrace. I struggled to get out of his grip so I just kind of let him do his thing. 

"Up your ass." I just mumbled and lowered my sight to the floor that suddenly seemed far more interesting than my brother.

I knew he heard me but he also just ignored it. "Follow me to the second exam room. We have quite a lot of things to do today." He just said.

The boys, Luke's best mates, started walking in the random direction while Luke put his hand on my back and started to guide me towards the direction boys went. I didn't mind it even though I also really didn't enjoy it. At some point, he stopped and looked at somebody also in doctor coat: "Hi boss, Nice to see you back from your vacation."

"Ah, Mr.Hemmings and Becca. It's good to be back and also, you are in the second exam room." Dr.Payne, the head of the hospital, followed us to the room so I figured out for some odd reason, he is also joining us today. 

As we entered, Ashton was already behind the computer, scrolling through my file. I just hopped on the bed, not saying anything, and laid down to hopefully get a few minutes of rest before all.

There was a silence for a while. At some point, Michael sat down next to me and rubbed small circles on my arm but other than that, there was no movement. I enjoyed it. I was almost dozing off when my brother's firm hand stopped on my shoulder, "Becca, you need to sit up and also change to this."

I opened my tired eyes and just sat up without any protests even though I was not happy about the situation. I changed behind the curtain and walked back to the bed, not laying down this time but forming a grimace on my face when I saw Liam and Luke waiting beside the exam bed, ready to start.

I knew what they were about to do. My whole life has been filled with medical procedures due to my mom also being a doctor in the past. Again nobody said anything. Luke and Liam were both listening to my heart, checking my eyes, weight, height, lungs, ears, nose, stomach. Every movement made me even more tired so in the end, I just laid back down, knowing that they only needed to check my temperature before moving on. They nodded between each other quite a lot, often just for confirmation that everything that they did was okay and they could move on. 

"Don't fall asleep," Liam said as he saw my eyes close which made me open them up again.

"Not going to. I'm just tired." I whispered and closed my eyes from the painfully bright light in the room. 

He stuck the thermometer in my ear as soon as he could and when I opened my eyes to look at his expression, it wasn't at all what I was waiting for. He looked... he looked kind of shocked but not really in the same time. "What is it?"

"Ashton, can you please order blood work and spinal tap?" Ashton just nodded and sent me a compassionate look before running out of the door.

"Luke, what is it?" I asked again, sitting up this time. I was getting mad about not getting any answers.

"You have a fewer. Again. And I need to check a few things." I just groaned and laid back down on my back. 

"You are always doing that. Why wasn't I just normally expecting it this time.." I mumbled to myself but I'm pretty sure that he heard that also. 

"Don't be grumpy. It's all to make sure you are healthy." Liam answered this time and this shut me up because for me he was an authority. 

Ashton returned soon, carrying all the equipment plus some other things that I couldn't identify from the distance. 

Liam took all the blood work stuff and set me up again. Luke walked over and hold my arm while turning my head to look at him. I wasn't so great a dealing with blood so we just talked about random stuff while Liam did what he had to do. I could feel the needle hitting my skin and a little pinch but it didn't hurt much. As it left my hand and I could feel him putting a plaster on, folding my arm to an upright position, I turned around again and looked at both of them. 

"I need to give you a few shots before we do the spinal tap and send the results to the lab," Luke said.

"Can I lay down while you do them? I really am tired." He hesitated for a second but then nodded. I laid down and after a few minutes, I knew that he had finished. I was so tired that I barely even felt a thing...

"Becca, turn to your side." I did as he told me and while he was putting on the numbing cream, my eyes started to drop. Liam noticed it and shook my shoulder softly. "No, Becca. No sleeping yet because then we don't know when something goes wrong." I just breathed deeply and opened my eyes.

Soon I felt a really big amount of pressure, making me stiffen up and almost cry in pain. It felt like the numbing thing hadn't worked at all. 

"It's okay, Becca. It will be over soon." Michael reassured me and walked by to hold my hand while Luke and Liam did what they had to do. As soon as the pressure left my body, I laid on my back and let the tears stream down my face. When Luke walked over to hug me, I covered my eyes with my arm to hide my pain but he just removed it and comforted me as best as he could. "Shh... It's okay."

Almost everybody left the room, giving me a chance to sleep until the results are back. Luke climbed into the bed with me and I fell asleep while cuddling to his side.

I woke up to the talking around me which wasn't unusual but I didn't like it at all because I really was in a deep sleep. Luke was slowly rubbing my shoulder when he felt my stirring. "Becca, baby, you need to wake up. We have some bad news..."

I opened my eyes and looked at all the people in the room - My brother Luke, Ashton who is Cardiologist, Michael and Calum who are Surgeons, Boss of the surgical unit - Louis, that I disliked the most because he was really strict. "What's going on?"

"Have you eaten anything today?" Louis asked coldly.

"No." I just replied, getting even more scared than I was before. I mean, I know that I have been drinking a little bit too much but this was way more scared than quitting parting and everything about it. 

"Sweetie, we found some abnormalities in your blood test and you need Liver biopsy as soon as possible. Because you haven't eaten anything today, we are going to do it right now." Calum explained and walked a little bit closer.

"oh..." I just said and snuggled into my brother even more, who hugged me but climbed out of the bed soon also. "Cmon, we are going to take you to the OR room," Michael called and I slowly stood up. Calum followed us as we left the room, Louis staying behind to talk with Luke for a few more moments. 

They made me lay down in the cold ass room and Michael started to out some kind of stickers on my chest. Calum raised my right hand under my head and generally put me in the position I had to be in. "Am I going to be awake?" I asked suddenly, feeling more scared than ever.

"No, you would be but your brother asked us to put you under as you are going to stay in the hospital afterward for a few days anyway." I didn't reply to Calum anymore.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Louis enter the room, fully clothed with a mask on his face. He asked Michael what they have got and he looked confusingly at me as Louis was just a few minutes before in the same room when they told me. He just muttered "Liver Biopsy, 17-years old girl." And moved on with washing his hands.

"Michael, scrub in. You are going to help me." Louis said firmly and Michael nodded. Even he looked a little bit scared of him. Calum was sitting beside my head while two of them got ready.

When they entered the room, Louis told Calum to put me under and he raised the mask on my face. Within seconds I was out and this time, I really didn't feel anything.

When I woke up again, Luke told me that everything is going to be okay and the abnormalities were there because of my fever and drinking too much. He kept a much closer eye on me for the next days but everything turned out great and the bond between us got even stronger.

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