Bad Concussion

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Skye's POV:

It was just a normal day in school before it all started.

"Skye!" Someone yelled and I turned around automatically, only to see my best friend Ashton running towards me.

"What's up, man? Why are you late? I had to spend the first lesson all alone." I pouted and jumped on his back.

"I slept in. My stupid alarm clock just didn't ring. Ohhh, I discovered something!"

"What?" I asked smiling and ruffled his hair.

"We all hate alarm clocks in two cases: when they ring and when they don't." Ash cheered at his own smartness and shoved me off his back.

I wasn't expecting that and fell to the ground with a loud thud. My head hit the ground hard and I just lied there, intense pain building up in my skull.

"OMG, SKYE! I'm so sorry." Ashton yelled and felled on his knees beside my head.

"m'kay," I whispered and sat up, shaking off the dizziness.

"Are you sure? We can go to the nurses or call your dad." He tired again, while I was standing up.

"No way I'm calling my dad. He will just go into extreme doctor mode and take my of out school for a week right away. I'm okay." I smiled at Ashton and took my thing from some kids hands, thanking her at the same time.

We started to walk towards our class again. I was taking some really deep breaths when Ashton wasn't looking to try and calm my pounding head down.

I knew something wasn't right but it wasn't enough to call my dad. My dad, Liam Payne is a doctor in a local hospital with his other mates. My mom died when I was little and after then, he has been really overprotective. It took about a year and a half before he accepted Ashton as my friend.

As we entered into English class, I automatically sat down and put my head on the table.

"Are you sure you are okay? You don't seem to good..." Ash worried again when he was sitting next to me.

"I'm okay, Ashton. I just got a little headache, it's okay." I confirmed even though I was close telling the truth. He just shrugged and started to chat with a boy sitting behind us.

By the time the lesson was halfway done, I was fighting against my own body. My head was hurting like hell, my ears were ringing and everything felt like foggy around me. I had already got yelled by the teacher for not paying attention several times when I suddenly felt really nauseous.

"Can I go to the bathroom, please?" I asked politely and got a nod from the annoyed teacher. As soon as I stood up, dizziness took over my body and I had to grab the table to stand up.

Ashton sent me a worried look but I just smiled at him, confirming that I was okay.

I walked towards the bathrooms slowly and by the time I reached the toilet, I just started to throw up.

I vomited at least ten minutes straight before I got a chance to pull out my phone and finally call my dad.

I was crying mess and my head was only getting worse with every minute. Luckily my dad answered after a few rings.

"Hey, darling, whats wrong? Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked with fast but concerned voice.

"Daddy!" I just cried and throw up once again.

"Shit, Are you okay? I'm coming to pick you up."

"I hit my h-head and I-I don't f-feel good," I said tiredly, trying hard to concentrate on my father's voice.

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