Back In Gotham

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It was maybe a few months, maybe even a year since my last visit to Gotham after I left the Gala. After Jerome's death. I got a tip that Jerome's body was never buried but was put under Indian Hill. I looked at my phone as the train went on as I thought about calling Tabitha. I mean I was really coming back to Gotham and I know things had changed. I knew that much. But even though I was gone, the same city was still gloomy and eerie. I watched as we got closer to Gotham and even here it took my breath away. It still look the same and here I was coming back to make new memories and to see my frozen dead love

Just thinking about him give me the chills like he is next to me. "Hey!" I feel a flick on my forehead as I pull my head back and frown at the person in front of me. "Nyoka! What did you do that for?" I asked her as she rolled her slit iris eyes before turning her head to the window with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You were sssssstaring out into your own little world again." She scoffs as I looked at the window. "So? I mean I'm coming back to Gotham. That's a huge deal for me to come back to this crazed city" I told her as she sighed harshly and she swung her legs. She was wearing a short black snake like dress.

"But it'ssssss not like anyone is going to remember you. If you think about it, they don't know if you will be coming back with guardsssssssss or just yoursssssself. They just barely know that you are a Creepella," She whispered my last name as she looked at the other people. I knew she was trying to hide my secret from the other riders as I took a breath and looked at her. "But I won't be here long." I told her as she nods and started getting up as we got into the station. I grabbed my black bag and walked over to the doors while other people did the same. They were ready getting off while I clicked my tongue and had Ny following me as the doors opened to let us out while Ny and I walked out and kept our heads down as we walked up the steps to the main level of Gotham. 

"Where to?" She asked as I walked into a alley way as I open my bag and click my tongue. "Change into your form. It will be much easier for me to walk to where we are heading. And I don't want you to get lost," I ordered as she nods and closed her eyes as her form started to stretch and then elongate into a long snake before she slithered her white body up my leg and then around my waist then my shoulder then slowly into my bag as she settled herself into the small shoulder bag. I covered her up and started walking out of the alley way and back onto the sidewalk as I stopped and looked up to see a small hotel. I walked inside and stood in front of a small desk where a woman stood as she smiled politely to me. "What can I do for you?" She asked as I spoke in small whisper. "Syxola," I say as she widens her eyes for a minute before nodding and letting me follow her into the back where there was a small opening in the floorboards. She opened it and let me go down first. Once down the lights turned on to show a large cavern. "Welcome to Nyx's Room" she says as I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you" I bowed my head and put my backpack down then the shoulder bag. "Come on out, for a little a bit then we are going back out." I told her as she slithers out and wraps herself around my arm and rest herself on my shoulders. "I'll just stay up here." She says as I nodded and put my shoulder bag down and started to look at different articles from a folder that I got from my backpack. I looked at the small article as I looked at my phone. "Alright so I guess he still is at Indian Hill." I spoke as I grabbed my shoulder bag and walked up to the main level while I felt Syxola slide down into the bag and kept quiet while I walked out into the city and headed to Indian Hill. 

Once there I snapped my fingers and appeared in the basement where there were pods lined up. One of them I saw was very surprising because the person inside it was Theo Galavan. Tabitha's brother and the man that murdered Jerome. I walked down aisle only to stop in front of Jerome's pod. Even dead and frozen, he still had his insane smile. Even in Death, everyone can die with a smile. "Oh how I missed your touch, Jerome. I was your princess while you were my king of comedy." I whispered. I kept looking into the box that held the frozen body of the man who forced his way into my heart when he kidnapped me. He and the other escaped patients took me to a large building which was owned by Theo Galavan. I could still see the events vaguely like it happened a few days ago and Jerome wasn't dead in this frozen box. "Maria, I hear ssssssomeone. We have to go," I look up to hear people coming down to where we were as I nodded and closed my eyes as I snapped my fingers, then soon we were out of the basement and back where we were first originally standing. 

"Now what?" She asks as I looked at her. "Well I heard a party is going on at the Sirens, let's go there. Hell maybe I'll see Tabitha." I told her as she hisses and goes back to the bag and let's me walk to the hotel and went down to our room as I put the bag down and open my own backpack as I grabbed some dresses trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a red and black dress that was short with black heels.I grabbed some makeup and started to do a basic and simple kind of make up and also did my hair. "Ny, can you also get ready, you can't be your snake form." I told her as transform into her human form where her hair is long and straight and the same color as her scales. She is wearing a short white cocktail dress with white high heels and she wore a arm bracelet that had a snake on it looking like it was wrapping around her arm. She then had a sleeve of a snake inked onto her left arm. "You ready Ny?" I asked as she nods and follows me out of the room and we walked up and out to the city as we headed to the Siren's Club. We got to the elevator as we pressed a button and headed up to the club. 

When the doors opened there were people partying while talking to one another and holding up drinks in their hands. I walked inside first with Ny behind me as single guys turned their hands to look at us. Their eyes glazed over with lust and wanting for us. They were more looking at me as we walked around to get to the bar. "Hello, what can i do for you two ladies?" The bartender asks as I gesture for him to come closer. "Where can I find Tabitha?" I asked him as he looks at me and then to the corner where a girl with long black hair wearing a black cocktail dress. I smirked and nodded at the man as I walked over to the girl who was standing with a girl with short brown hair. She also had her back turned, so it was much better to hold the element of surprise. I poked her shoulder and smiled sweetly as she turned quickly to only be close to punch me, but Ny was not having it as she grabbed her wrist and hissed as her eyes turned into her snake eyes. "Oh Ny we don't have time for things like that. We all have to play nice, you too Tabitha. Play nice," I smirked as Tabitha pulls her arm back only to look at me a little longer to widen her eyes. "Luna?!?" She says in disbelief as I smiled. "Surprise, I am back." I smirk as she pulls me into a hug, holding me close to her tightly as if i was going to disappear if she let go. I finally got out of her hold and looked at her. "And it's not Luna. It's Maria." I told her as she shakes her head. "You're always going to Luna to me. No matter what," She says as I nodded. 

A/N: Back with the next update on this story, I haven't given up on this story, I just didn't really have the inspiration on any of my stories at the moment. I have to get things sorted out and how I am going to make myself feel better without feeling like I am about to crumble and die of a heart attack, along with a panic attack. So let's see how that works in the next six months.

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