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When we got back, I immediately started to tend to my wounds by taking off my jacket and grabbed the bandages that were near my bed. I started to pour alcohol on the bullet wound and noticed that the bullet went through cleanly. I started to wrap it in bandages before hearing the deep voice of Crane. Jerome was not really around but I know he was here. "Tetch got caught," He says as I rolled my eyes heavily and started to get up when Jerome's voice rang out. "Don't! Sit down now!" He ordered as I sighed and held my arm while narrowing my eyes. "If Tetch was caught then I'm going to," I hissed as Jerome rolled his eyes. "Look, Maria," I hear him from behind me as I noticed he walked into the light. "I know you like him, but you have to know you are mine," He says as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I don't like Tetch in that way, he's not my type." I lifted my nose in a snobbish way as Jerome chuckled and grabbed my good arm as he kissed my cheek and then walked over to Crane. "Let's go, and Maria, you stay." He orders as I nodded and sat on the bed while listening out for the door. 

When the echo of the door spread throughout the large room came into my cell-like room, which gave me the signal to get dress and follow the guys. I grabbed my clothes that I hid into my wardrobe and got it on making sure to be careful with my arm as I grabbed the trench coat and wrapped it around my figure and ran up the stairs leaving the room and stopping at the front desk where Marissa sat. "What can I do for you, your majesty?" She asked as I stood in front of her. "I need you to open the rooftop for me, I'm gonna go on a run," I replied to her as she nods and walks me up to the rooftop while we took the elevator up to the top level before getting out of the shaft. I walked out while readjusting little things here, to meet my comfortableness. We walked down the long hallway while a few people came out to see what was going on only to become very quiet when they saw me. Marissa opened a large hatch that connected to the rooftop. I pushed it open before climbing up and looking down at her. "Alright, I'll be back soon," I told her as she nods and closes the hatch and locking it while I started to run on the rooftop and stopping about a few feet from the ledge to see how far the next ledge was. "Alright, let's hope I haven't gotten too rusty when it comes to this." I then started to run and jumped over to the next rooftop only to roll onto the rocks that laid onto the rooftop. I smiled anyways because I made it over. I got up and started to run on the rooftops. I stopped when I saw Jerome and Scarecrow, now in new clothing. Jerome wearing a white suit and Scarecrow in black tattered clothes. 

The Arkham's van was starting to turn when it stopped while Scarecrow came out in front of the van before releasing his toxins in front of his face. It started to affect him almost immediately before he ran off and into my alleyway, he continued screaming when I plunged down to the ground slamming my body on his as he grunts and hits his head on the pavement. I got off him and walked out into the darkened streets to see Jerome opening the doors in the back. I walked over and lightly climbed onto the top of the van and poked my head down to look at everyone. "Yeah, Yeah. You did a great job on keeping Gordon occupied." Jerome says pridefully as I rolled my eyes. "Meanwhile Crane got his fear gas, and I got my information. Everything is going according to my plan" He adds as I growled. "Yeah my arm was just something in your plan," I spoke up before jumping down to the ground and turning around to look at Jerome and the others fully. "Maria!" Jerome says in astonishment as I get into the truck. "What's next in your plan, Jerome?" Not letting him talk anymore."We have fish to fry, lady, and gentleman. And when I mean fish, I mean....faces. Or feet....." Jerome says as I get out of the truck and onto the street before waiting for Jerome to get out of the back. "Buckle up!" Jerome and I then shut the doors to the back and walked on each side of the truck to get in. I got in the passenger's side and waited for Jerome to get into the driver's side. I crossed my legs over one another. "ooh I'm coming," He growled before laughing out loud while we drove off and took us back to a new place.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as the ginger looked at me. "Oh no worries my little dove, we will send someone out to grab your stuff." He says as I glared at him. "You know what, when we get there," I crossed my arms over my chest. "I will grab my things and come back," I said as Jerome glanced at me. "Ah! Come on Maria. I can get someone to grab your things," he assures me as I glanced at him. "It's fine," I told him as he growled and continued to drive up to a large mansion.

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