Arkham Asylum

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I sat down in front the barred window as the sky let the clouds clump up together to make the sky hazy with the grey clouds. 'Rain' I thought as I heard a knock on my door as I looked over my shoulder. "You have a visitor," I heard the guard call out to me as I smirked and got up from my stiff chair and walked to the door as the guard opened it and locked up my hands before bringing me towards the room where they bring visitors for a one on one conversation. It's already been a week since I entered this disgusting infested asylum. No contact with Jerome and I am kind of glad I haven't had any contact with him. I didn't want him to see me like this. Like I didn't have any emotions to this prison. It wouldn't be the first time being in an asylum. Especially for a guy I liked. I got to the room and sat down onto the grey chair that was starting rust as I crossed my leg over to see the other side door open to reveal the officer who first caught me. "Miss Palmer," He starts out as I raised a hand up to tell him to stop there. He looked at me as I watch him sit. "Don't call me by that horrid name. I haven't been called that name in so long." I told him as he nods and sets down a notebook which had a small pen resting in its spiral. "Well did you know that your parents were killed?" He asked as I blinked at him before turning my head to the window that showed the full frame of Gotham as it was now active with the lights.

"Tell me, detective. What would you have done, if you were given the truth of your birth on the day you went to go check on your family only to find out they were just using you for money that was given by the state. What would you say or do?" I asked him as he started to jot down tiny notes in the small book. "Well nothing," He says as I frowned at him and raised my voice a little which made him jump a little. "They deserved to be killed. I didn't feel bad. I was the center of their hatred and they showed it very often." I hissed at him as I recalled the memories of being beaten by the husband and being verbally abused by the wife. I closed my eyes and shook my head gently. "Well why did you snap?" He asked as I spoke. "I wanted to end the torment, so why not," I shrugged without feeling any remorse for my actions. I then looked back at the guard who escorted me into the room as I spoke. "Are we done here, detective?" I asked my voice filled with poison as he sighed and nods. "Yes we are done...for now" he paused as I smirked and got up and walked over to the guard who took a sidestep and then opened the door as the two guards walked me to the large main room where all the Arkham patients were coexisting with one another. I walked through the opened door and looked around to see all the men and lick their lips as I groaned and rolled my eyes as I sat down at an empty table and notice there was a few magazines and books laying on the metal table as I grabbed a book and looked at the hardback book and started to read through the black inked texts that laid on the beige pages.

"Well hello Gorgeous," I used one eye to look who spoke to only see the ginger haired man that I have been missing. "Miss me?" He asked as I closed my book and chucked it passed his head. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" I yelled at him as he chuckles. "You did miss me," He says as I scoffed. "Well of course I did miss you, your the only man who makes me feel safe after all." I told him as he smiled and got up from his chair and walked around the table until he was leaning forward before kissing me on the lips. I widen my eyes before closing them as I kissed him back. We pulled away when we heard the guards yell at us for the showing of affection in public as I rolled my eyes and narrowed my eyes at them. I didnt' care what they said. Now that Jerome was still here.

Even through this whole place, there people coming and going and yet Jerome and I stayed. During some points in the prison we met with the two other dangers that Gotham got to branch out to. Jervis Tetch, a loon that talked about infecting the city in his sister's blood. I sat there as he tried to at least get my attention. Even when I stood with Jerome as his dark dove, Jervis tried to at least snap my eyes to him. Then I met Jonathan Crane. Such a small kid, a teenager who's father was just a psycho who wanted to implant fear in his son. Seeing the horrors that the mind can create in him.

The next few months, I was mostly in my room drawing or reading the old books that the workers would bring in and give to us, but when I was even bored with those. I would just lay in my bed and think about home, and what I was going to do when I get back home. My mind would wander through the darker areas. The places that I forgot were there.

I was sitting in my room one day, when I heard a knock on my door. I was learning against my wall that was resting against my bed as I was reading some myths and legends of spirits and higher beings. I was on the chapter of La Llorana when the knock came, I looked up from my place and hummed a response only to see the door open to show a man who I remember to be very familiar to me. "Detective Gordon, what pleasent surprise," I smirked and went back to my book. "I am here to ask you for a favor," he says as I stopped reading and glanced up at him. "What kind?" I asked now that he got my attention. "I need some kind of resource and I heard from Tabitha that you have the answer to," He says as I frown. "So it's an answer you are looking for," I scoffed and went back to my book. "Does the name Ra's al Ghul mean anything to you?" He asked as I tensed up and whipped my head up to look at Jim. "Ra's is not person to take into liking. He has been trained as warrior when he was first born. I don't really know a lot about him, but he might know more of using his skills to stay hidden. So that's all I can tell you," I explained to him as he sighed in frustration. "I may know a person who you can work with but there's a price for it," I smirked as Jim was now interested on this lead. "Who is this person?" He asked as I shook my head. "Before I give it to you, you have to promise me that you cut my sentence half," I added as he growls and narrowed his eyes. "No!" He says as I sighed and went back to my book. "Well then you lost your lead that I could have gave you," I sighed and closed my eyes as the officer punched the wall and spoke. "Fine! Tell me who this person is and I'll cut your sentence in half." He breaks down as I smiled and nodded. "Hand me a piece of paper and a pen," I demanded as Jim asked a worker for a pen and paper which was given and then was handed to me. "Call this number and if they answer, say Maria gave you this number and then say this word phrase," i looked up from the paper into Jim's eyes. "The Demon's head," I spoke as the words rolled off my tongue before handing him the book and going back to my book.

"Thank you Maria," he says as he closes the cell door behind him leaving me alone in my own quiet and silence as the sounds of pages flipping. I knew who Ra's was, I would read the many books that my family would give to me and let me read. And Ra's name was always mentioned in the history books I read over and over. Ra's was a warrior who died in battle in 125 A.D. At some point he was associated with my father and even came to my father's wedding. Where he had met with my mother, and it was no surprised that he also was infatuated with my mother, but he held back his tongue and left my mother be. But I did have the question of asking my brother, how he was revived. He however did not answer my question and fired me down as he spoke about other things. I wish I knew how Ra's life was revived into the living world.

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