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I sat with the other kids on the bus as I felt the bus hit a few bumps here and there. I had music playing in a cassette player. I had my hair over my eyes as I watched the cruel Gotham city passed by so quickly as I sighed. We were just coming back from another school's pep rally. And I had only gone, just because of my sister, to just cheer her on because she was with the whole crowd of preppy cheerleaders. I had my bag close to me as I felt the bus jolt and stop. I hit the seat that was in front of me as I groaned in pain and looked up to see a boy with bright red hair and straitjacket on. I growled and widen my eyes as I notice he had a gun. I gulped and went under the seat as I watched him go by me and went back up to the front as he cackled.

"My name is Jerome, and I think you would think of me as an evil genius, or should I say a psychopath." he then cackled as I put my hands over my ears as I tried to tune out his cackling. I then hear him shoot his gun up as I jumped and a little but not enough to make a sound as I catch my breath.

"Give me an O!" he shouts as the kids on the bus repeat him with nervous and stutter voices.

"Give me an N!" he calls out as the kids repeat it. I then hear something come up to the bus as I notice a large hose on the bus.

"Give me an O!" He cackled as they repeated it.

"What does that spell?" he yells out as they all repeat of what they had spelled out.

"O! NO!" Then water was sprayed out of the large hose as I hear screaming from everyone as I look through my bag to finally found what I was looking for. It was a small magnum pistol that my father gave to me, it was only to use for self-defense. And I think this situation is something this should be useful for. I then roll till I got to the back as I got up and put my bag on as I stand in the middle of the aisle while one of my hands was on the exit door in the back of the bus as I held the gun up.

"You better stop!" I yelled as the guy grinned as he started to walk over to me, but before he can get closer. I turned the handle and jumped out from the back as I rolled onto the ground and started to run off.

Jerome sighed and called to his minions to go after me as I hear footsteps following me. I was much faster than him though as I run into the streets and pass many citizens as the minions kept following me.

They soon stopped following me when I turned down a corner where there were so many people that they had lost me. I smiled in victory as I walked down the street and heading home. I was close to my family's apartment but to only feel a hand grab me from a small alleyway. I gasped and got pulled into the darkness and was pushed up against the brick wall as I groaned in pain.

"Your very tricky to find, cutie." Jerome chuckled as I tried to loosen his grip on me but it tightens even more. I scowled at him as he smiled.

"So you won't tell anybody about what had happened on the bus," he asks as I spat at him

"Can't promise you anything, my sister will most likely tell, then you will be brought down!" I hissed as he stared at me with the same sinister smile.

"Oh, then I shouldn't let that happened. What does she look like?" he growled into my ear as I glance at the corner of my eye as I notice people giving us a disgusted look as if they were thinking we were together. I pushed him off me as he pulls me with him.

"Tell me or I will make people here think we're together," he chuckled as I growled at him.

"No!" I then used my legs and kicked at him as he gets hits in the crotch as I run off and towards home. Cars beeped at me for running in the middle of their lane as I headed up to my apartment and ran into the living room locking the door behind me as I noticed no one was home. I then grabbed a few things and shoved them into a bag.

I then ran to the fire escape and ran up to the roof as I hear glass shattering as I look behind me to see the boy with red hair staring at me with the same smile. I gasped and ran toward the next building as I jumped across my apartment building as I looked behind me and saw him frown. I then keep running as I finally get to the small fire escape rails and fall down into an alleyway and ran towards the police station not wanting to be near the crazy psychopath Jerome.

But I was then stopped by one of his minions as I sighed and groaned as Jerome smiles appearing behind me.

"Please don't leave me, you're actually entertaining," he whispers into my ear and pulls with his minions into a white van as I struggle under his grip onto my hands as he looked in front while his minions drove the van somewhere vacant.

"Who's in control?" I growled at him as he smiles

"I'm the boss" he held a pistol to my head as I felt my hard against my chest as I tried to move away from me.

"And you're going to stay with me until you are not entertaining anymore" he smiled as he kisses my lips and pulls away. And chuckles.

'I am so dead'

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