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I heard there was new man coming into the Asylum for some kind of death, I was sitting in my room as always as I looked out towards the barred window. The clouds were rolling in like their was going to be storm while the moon was high in the clouded by the ominous clouds as I frowned and got up from my cot and started to walk closer to the prison door as I looked out to only see guards walking around, their shadows going and passing from within the small window. It's only been a few months since I was put in here. I've been in my room for a long time. Now ignoring Jerome, especially now that I knew the Ra's has been out there causing problems. I was starting to notice Jerome was paying attention to me closely while he would mingle other patients. I was becoming distant from others especially with him, he started to get more and more annoying hoping to get my attention.

I then turned back to the window and whispered lightly as I kept walking back to the cot before settling back down on the blankets while speaking. I sat in my bed looking at the cloudy skies when I heard a large echo of someone laughing manically through out the whole asylum as I perked my head and looked up to only know the laugh so well. Jerome. I took a deep breath and tried to think of the good times I was with him before we were locked up in the asylum. I took a deep breath and started to sing lightly.

"Requiem aeternam dona eis

Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!"

The next morning, I woke up to see the door open from my cell. There I see Jim Gordon standing there holding a paper. A paper that seemed be some kind of scroll. "Do you read this kind of language?" he asks handing me the scroll as I unraveled it and looked through the characters which I knew instantly what they were. "Portuguese," I told him as he nods and grabs the chair that was in the cell as I looked at him. We were with some of the guards who stood in the hallway as I look through words. " Posso sentir minhas raízes convivendo no passado. Na ordem dos assassinos meus antepassados, vivendo um tempo histórico da humanidade lutando, honra, justiça e liberdade é... justiça e liberdade" I spoke the written words that were scrawled on the parchment. "Do you know what that means, can you translate it?" He asks as I nodded. "I can feel my roots living in the past

in the order of my ancestors killers

living in a historic time of humanity

fighting, honor, justice and freedom

it is... justice and freedom" I reply to him before handing the scroll back to him, I then leaned back on the bed and grabbed my books before setting them back on the bed and opened the book. "Now if that's the only thing you want me to talk to you about, then I could go into the common area." I told him as I got up and took my book with me as I cleared my throat as I held out my hands for them to put the familiar cuffs on my wrists so they can take me to the common room. "Wait before you go," He says as I stopped and looked back at the officer. "Thank you," He says as I took a deep breath and nodded as I walked out of my room with a book in hand as I was lead down the hallway to the common room.

When I got there, the place was deserted, so I was the first person to come in. I felt the workers take my handcuffs off and let me walk into the empty place. I walked over to a deserted corner where I could read my book privately while I sat on the ground. The workers would watch and bring new patients in before I heard the guards bring out the food. I got up and got first in line while I went down just looking at the food with no remorse. I then walked back to where I was sitting and sat down and started to eat my food while resuming to my book. I then looked around to see the area was starting to get more crowded with the rest of the inmates in the building as they mingled with one another.

I then heard a huge thud, which caught my attention very quickly. There in the flesh was Oswald Cobblepot being held down by his shoulders as a muscle man just held him down while I noticed a familiar red haired guy staring at the former mayor of Gotham. They were talking and I then see that the strong unknown male was digging his nail into Oswald's shoulder as he fought out the pain before speaking to Jerome. Jerome then turned around as he looked at a guy who was brain dead while other inmates were pour their food on him. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my food and resuming to my book. After finishing my food, I closed my book and got up as I grabbed my empty tray and set it down on the table where the trays are stacked on and sat back into my corner while others were heading back to their room. I had the free time to sit here, since I am usually in my room reading and not mingling with others. So I kept reading until I notice there was less people in the room.

I noticed some inmates were holding Oswald as they dragged him to a table as he stood on it and looked at Jerome who sat in a chair surrounded by others who looked at Oswald with lust and awe. I got up and looked from behind the pillar, I was leaning on. Oswald looked like he was about let his own fear take a hold of him as he shook with it. I watched as he spoke to Jerome. "What do you want?" He asks as Jerome smiled widely. "I told ya' Penny. I am here to cure you of your sad sappy mopey act. And the best cure is," he then leaned his head as he looked at everyone before adding to his sentence. "The laughing Jar." The others started laughing as I rolled my eyes and watched as Jerome ordered with a cold voice, "Make me laugh,"

Everyone started to chant 'Make him laugh' but I stood in my corner looking at the whole scene. "so what will you be performing?" he asked as he pulled a piece of popcorn out a jar as he started to name off acts that he was guessing Oswald was going to do. "You want to do a clown dance. Wonderful!" he says in delight while Oswald was not in delight but in so much frightened. There was two guys holding a clown costume while Oswald finally growled and spat out. "I will not!" The men walked up to him while the other inmates that were around Oswald started to hold him down before putting the costume on him. "In your own time" Jerome says as Oswald looked disgusted at the costume. It wasn't really much of difference from the Arkham jumpsuit. Oswald then started to weep as he looked down while Jerome held the side of his head. "Cut!" he ordered as he put the bucket on the table behind him and walked over to Oswald. "Oswald....Oswald....Oswald," he starts out as he gets on the table with the frail man. "You are trapped in a prison in here," he tapped Oswald's head as the man was shaking freakishly. Like a scared little chihuahua. "And i'm offering you the key," he says as before turning a little. "So dance!" he yells as the others started to poke and prod at Oswald as he started to move his feet hoping to stop the inmates from poking at him as he looked like he was dancing. "Now we're talking!" Jerome grinned as he backed up while I walked closer to the scene. Oswald then screamed and ran at Jerome but was knocked down while blood was now covering his mouth, the king of the Asylum then kicked him which knocked him out as I ran over to check if he had pulse on him. When I found a pulse I sighed in relief but noticed I made a mistake.

"Well now this is a surprise. I was wondering where you went," he says as he grabbed my hand that was on Oswald's side as he pulled me up and looked deeply into my silver eyes. "So little dove, mind explaining where you have been?" He asked as I pulled away from him and stepped over Oswald's limp body and stopped in the door way where a female guard was going to lead me to my room. "None of your business. " I say harshly before walking with the prison guard to my room.

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