Resurrection pt 2

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Even after infiltrating the GCPD, it never ended. The worrying of what I was becoming. I was scared, but at the same time, relieved to become someone new. Jerome disappeared for a bit while I  was left alone in the Galvan's penthouse. I kept pacing around in my room as I thought about the next step in Theo's plan. But at the same time,  I wanted to see what my family has been doing since my absence. I looked at the clock that was on my vanity and saw it was 1 pm. My parents should be at home with my little sister. I opened my door and looked around hoping to not see anyone else to stop me. Lucky for me there wasn't anyone out. So I ran towards the elevator and pressed the button to go down the lobby. After the large box came up, I entered and pressed the bottom button and watch as the lights of the numbers countdown.

When it got down to 10, I thought about the ten things that could have happened while I was gone.
10. They moved.
9. They are still there waiting for me.
8. They are waiting for me to kill me
7. They separated to save them the troubles of seeing me again.
6. They killed my sister because it was her fault for bringing me to the pep rally in the first place.
5. They forgot about me.
4. They erased any memory that reminds them of me.
3. They killed themselves.
2. They are out there looking for me.
1. They called the police to come to find me.

The doors opened as I scoffed at the ideas of them killing themselves.  I mean it was a bit true. My mother never liked me, because I was always throwing my education to the side and focusing on my art and music. My father was a strict and abusive man who only took his anger out on me, I didn't know the reason, but I bet it was a good one. And then my sister,  such a preppy bitch that hung out with the cheerleaders. Her little fucking pack that always were rumored to be messing around with the sports teams, such as the football players, basketball players, and soccer players were the main ones. I think I caught my sister taking a pregnancy test, but I could be wrong. I walked out of the building as I look up at the sky and saw the grey clouds looming over the city. Like a puppeteer looming over his puppets.

I started to walk through people as I headed back home. I wanted to know what my family was up to. I stopped when I got to the building that my parents were living in. I ran across the street and up to the doors as I brought out my keys so in case they didn't hide from people robbing them. I got to my floor and walked to my family's apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in as I shut the door behind me and walked out of the hallway as I hear the TV going off in full blast on a soap opera. For that kind of shows, that meant mother was home. I walked out to the living room to see my mother sitting in her chair with her arm leaning onto the armrest. I walked over to her as I cleared my throat only to make her jump and look at me. There I was hoping to see love or at least some happiness, but instead, I saw disappointment.  "What are you doing here? I thought you would be dead. We just needed the cops to find your body and we can get your money. " She hissed as I raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you talking about, mother?" I asked as she scoffed and got up. "You really think you were my daughter," she says with venom dripping off with her words.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as she walked over to the bookshelf where the shelves were littered with papers poking out of beige looking folders along with books that were there for the reading. The woman who stood in front of me grabbed a large folder with a black marker written on the tab which I read from where I stood. 'Maria Luna Alice Askedilla Creepella'

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