Hello Kitty, Kitty

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Hello readers! Just a quick heads up about this story. It's a bit of a slow burn, so there's no romance involved until later chapters. It's also a Harry/Original Character story. 

Warnings; Nothing major for this chapter. Some light swearing, but that's about it.

The Isle of Lost was - more often than not, deathly silent when the sun went down. Whether it was because of the fatigue every villain, V.K. and follower felt at the end of such a long and draining day of 'hard work', or because many assumed the worst of the worst roamed the Island at night - no one knew. For whatever reason when night came and the moon shined bright the numerous stores and café's on the Isle closed, and every single door locked.

But this night was different. Instead of quietness and empty streets, it was now filled to the brim with villains and others alike, hollers, screams and crashes echoing through each alley and from around every corner. Nothing was being left untouched either. Store windows were being smashed, trash cans were kicked over, and the weaker of the Isle residents who were unfortunate enough to be stuck outside in the cold were beaten down to nothing, and robbed of the very little they owned.

The night sky was lit up with a thousand lights, an odd shrieking noise accompanied by a loud 'bang' and a flash of colourful neon dust. The source seemed to be the Auradonians, throwing yet another extravagant get-together. But their ways of celebration only illuminated the horrific acts being displayed on the Isle, many unfortunate souls only having a glimpse of their attacker when the flashes blew up in the sky.

In the centre of the Isle, and tucked safely away in the attic of Bargain Castle, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Cheshire Cat watched the pretty lights with utter fascination, her dark-brown eyes darting to different parts of the sky as each cloud of beautiful bright dust exploded and disappeared into the night, a thundering 'bang' silencing the screams below after every one.

"Pretty," she hummed in wonderment, slowly reaching out her arm as if she'd be able to catch the falling 'stars' before they disappeared. She couldn't deny that the loud noises scared her sometimes, especially when one of the strange lights came too close to the Isle border, but the alluring colours of bright blues, greens, pinks and every other colour she could think of truly made it worth it.

Cassie carefully retracted her hand and placed her palms on the cold ledge, pushing herself up and out of the 'window'. She closed her eyes and purred in contentment, the chilly breeze soothing her warm skin.

A deafening 'boom' shook through the broken castle, startling the young girl. She hurriedly came back into the attic and lowered herself to her hands and knees, moving her face closer towards the small gaps in the floorboards to see who had been stupid enough to break into Maleficent's lair.

Since her little 'hideaway' was placed above the top of the stairs, all Cassie could visibly see was multiple men and women rushing up the stairs. She couldn't make a safe guess as to who any of them were, there seemed to be such a mix of Isle dwellers and - for reasons she didn't know, they were in such a hurry that she barely managed to see any of their faces. From what she could see however, they were ransacking every room at the top of the castle, pillaging and dismantling whatever they set their minds to.

Cassie didn't know Maleficent or her daughter on a personal level, far from it. All she did was make a home in the small space above their rooms, coming in through a small gap in the wall during the day and leaving quietly down the side of the building at the night. They had absolutely no idea she was hiding in their home and she planned on keeping it that way. She hadn't even thought to question it when neither Mal or Maleficent came back to their castle that day, she'd just gone about her routine as usual.

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