Chapter 1 - A Duel with the General

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The only thing worse than failing an empire is failing it twice. That unpleasant thought was the only motive that King Ali had, but it was enough to make him give his speech.

"In conclusion, what are we if we rest, while others are destroyed? We never had a full-body war since... too long ago. That is why I'll send seven armies, which each'll have a professional leader, and they'll help and supply the needs of those countries. That is all for today."

A course of mumbling started after the king left the podium. Many people would criticize this decision. They have peace and are enjoying it. No need to stop peace; it's not like it's a bad thing. But none of those people would inform the king of their disapproval, for that could lead to an argument which could lead to disunity. 

Most of the people in the Empire approved of his decision. Abyssinia was aiding countries, not asking for war. They won't even be involved; only the soldiers who had volunteered would. King Ali started to open the room to his door, when his son ran down the long hallway towards him.

"Father! Father! Father!" He tried to catch his breath. "I am mannerly and strong. I am the best warrior of my age. Can I be of the seven armies?"

This was the only topic that the king and his son, Adam, have been discussing these past days. Adam had tried to convince his father by hard work, then by anger, then by begging, and now by politeness. But the king promised himself that he wouldn't let in.

"B-b-by your permission, of course," stammered Adam after noticing no sign of being convinced by his father. Politeness was so abnormal for Adam, that King Ali almost laughed.

"The best warrior of your age?" He knew this was true, but would never say. "Have I raised an arrogant child?" He said this with stern and buffed up his body. This would scare the wits out of any worker, peasant, or soldier. But it didn't even make his son flinch, for Adam knew his father well enough to know that his stance, was just a stance.

Adam was starting to get angry. He always controlled his temper around his father, but he really wanted to leave on the missions. Abyssinia was – in his words – the most boring place in the world.

King Ali sighed. "Don't you know that you're my only son? My only lineage? Do you expect your sister to hold down this castle?" It wasn't that he didn't trust his daughter, but he knew a queen had no power once she gets married. "And your mother is not alive, so there will be no second son. I want you to be a king, but you'll never be if you kill yourself on a mission like this!"

"But I beg you!"

King Ali replied, "You will not!" He stomped his foot on the ground to show that this discussion was over. "And besides, you've just finished the Warrior Academy."

"Were you a child at the age of fifteen or sixteen?" King Ali knew he was not. Even at the age of fourteen everybody was treated as an adult. "I'm seventeen. Even some scrawny thirteen-year old's can go to war."

"This is not war! This is different. This is a rescue mission."

"For which I have trained for in the Warrior Academy until I was fifteen! And I trained even more at its subject in the two extra years that you made me go! Besides, rescue missions are easier!"

King Ali knew he was losing this argument. He could just simply say no and leave, because he had that kind of authority over Adam, but if he did, Adam would be in a bad mood towards him for God knows how long.

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