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Chapter Six 

Ered Luin sprawled out before them, a golden glow against the cool backdrop of the Blue Mountains. Houses were small and square and clustered together, as though trying to help each other remain warm. It was only slightly larger than Bree, but Ninimben liked cosy cities. Anything too large reminded her of Mirkwood.

She and Thorin had arrived on schedule, mere acquaintances still, but animosity no longer between them. She snuck a glance over at her companion now, wondering how he felt to be home. Ered Luin was no Erebor. Did he compare this place to his home?

His face was set in stone, as it usually was.

If there was one thing she had learned about Thorin Oakenshield, it was that he rarely displayed emotion.

Ninimben shifted her bag over her shoulder. "Well, I suppose I should find a place to stay until I meet the others -"

"No," Thorin said sharply.

Ninimben raised a brow. "Well, I can't sleep in the open, thank you very much!"

"You misunderstand. You've come on my behalf – you'll reside with myself and my kin. I think Dis would chase me out if I didn't offer."

Ninimben blinked. Despite their agreement, she hadn't expected Thorin to offer a space in his home. She'd been quite prepared to pay for lodgings at a local inn.

In the end, all she could manage was a simple, "Thank you."

Thorin led the way down the slope and into the city. Ninimben's eyes didn't remain still: she never could in a new place. There was too much to see and learn, which she valued more after spending countless years within Mirkwood's borders. The streets were bustling, many shops open and offering crafts of various types. There was the hammer of blacksmith's tools in the background and people bartering prices.

They came to a house, where two younger Dwarves sat outside, blonde and dark heads bent over something between them. They were so engrossed Ninimben thought she and Thorin could stand beside them and neither would notice.

That was, until the dark-haired one craned his neck back and rubbed it. His eyes found them and he grinned, his entire face alight.

"Uncle!" he called, waving furiously. He tugged on the blonde's arm, who looked up with a broad grin and he too called greeting.

Thorin's face softened slightly as the two – his nephews, apparently – approached him with questions of his travels and stories from home.

This continued for a few minutes until the blonde caught sight of Ninimben hovering behind. His brows furrowed and he turned to his uncle.

Thorin gestured to her. "This is Ninimben. We met recently through an... unexpected source. She'll be residing with us for a while."

She offered a smile. "Pleasure to meet you."

Her heart hammered in her chest awaiting their response.

She needn't have feared.

"Fili," the blonde said.

"And Kili," his brother chimed.

"At your service," they both declared, bowing with impish grins.

Ninimben's face instantly split into a wide grin. Their bright dispositions were infectious, and she found herself instantly drawn into their warmth.

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