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It was a dark night and I was walking alone in a highway.

Scared and feeling the chills all over my body.

'I would never went home late ever again' – I said to myself.

Little while, somebody hold me on my shoulder.

"Hey nerd!!!" – It was a tall and skinny guy

He grabbed my bag.

"Give me my backpack!" – I shouted

He opened my bag and throw my things.

"Where's your money nerd?!!" – He was shouting to me.

So I trembled that's why I get my wallet on my pocket.

"He- - -re" – I said while giving him my wallet

"Great" – He said and took my wallet.

"HEY!!!!!" - I saw a beautiful girl with a long wavy hair, wearing all black clothes and riding a very big and cool motorbike.

"Oh! Who do we have here?:D" – Said the guy

"Stop messing up with that little kid!" – She said while going near us

"You're wrong about that baby" – He said and caressed her face "I'm just---------- aahhhh"

He didn't finish what he wants to say because the girl gripped his hand.

"Give back the money that doesn't belong to you-.-" – The girl

"Who do you think you are?" – Said the guy and tried to punch the girl but he failed.

She was so fast, the last thing I know, the tall and skinny guy was already lying on the ground.

"Here's your wallet nerdy." – She gave it back to me "Take care on your way home" – She said and left, riding her motorbike.

I was left shocked about what happened and stunned by that strong and beautiful girl.

She was so amazing*^_^*

I went home still in a daze.


Hi guys! This is my first time making a story. Please bear with me. I'm also not good at English but I'm trying my best for you to understand the story.

I hope you'll keep on reading, and please support this story.

Your vote would be much appreciated :)

Thank you and God bless :)

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