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It's our first day, I woke up early and went straight to Shinhye's house.

Then I saw a kid selling roses, I bought three for Shinhye my love.

When I arrived at her house, I was about to knock, when the door unexpectedly open. Then I saw the most beautiful angel smiling towards me.

 Then I saw the most beautiful angel smiling towards me

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"Good morning Yonghwa-ssi:)" - she greeted

"Good morning. Roses for you:)"

"Thanks:)" - she said

"You look really happy today:)" - I teased her

Then her smile fade and she glared at me.

"Shut up! You're ruining my mood-_-" - Shinhye

"I'm just joking:)" - I hugged her.

Then she smiled again.

I really love this gangster, I knew from the start that she has a wonderful heart inside her.


Now, it's official between Shinhye and Yonghwa.

After all those years she stuck her life with all the sorrows in the past without even thinking of herself. Shinhye realized it's time for her to be happy, because that is what taecyeon and her parents wants.

They were walking at the corridor, Yonghwa suddenly held Shinhye's hand.

"What are you doing?O.O" - Shinhye asked in shock

"Let me show to the world that I'm officially yours and my heart only belongs to you:)" - Yonghwa said

Shinhye just blushed and smiled.

The whole campus was shocked of what they were seeing right now.

"Wait! Is this for real?O.O" - IU

"Is that Shinhye????" - Seung Ho

"Who's that guy???????"- Krystal

"Why are they holding hands?O.O" -Jung suk

"Ommmmooooooo!!!!O.O" - Jessica

"I can't believe this" - Seung Ho

They were all asking what is happening, because for the whole 2years Shinhye was filled with dark aura, then now she's like a rose that bloomed beautifully.


I can't believe I'd be happy like this again and love someone again. Free from any worries.

Yonghwa accompanied me to my classroom.

"Bye for now:)"

"I'll pick you up after the morning class, we'll eat at the cafeteria:)" - Yonghwa said

"Okay:)" - I said casually

Then he kissed me on my cheek and went to his classroom.

Lesson lesson lesson


Hi guys, it's me again. Sorry, it's been a year since my last update. I've been busy, because I was a graduating student last year, been busy finding a job.

Thank you for all the support with this story. Thank you for the 7.76k reads and 142 votes. God bless you all.

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