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After class, my thoughts were still about my dream.

My beloved yeobo, wanted me to be happy.

But how?

How could I be happy without him?

I was about to cross the road.

When someone grabbed my hand, and pulled me back towards him.

I saw his face

and my heart skipped a beat.


"Be careful." - He said while looking straight into my eyes.



My gosh! Wake up Shinhye!!

"What are you talking about?-.-"

"Can't you see the Pedestrian traffic light? It's red, means stop. But you're about to cross the road. Are you trying to kill yourself?" - Yonghwa

I don't know what to say, I feel so stupid.

"Could you please clear your thoughts and focus on your way. You'll be riding your motorbike, what if something happens to you?" - His voice seemed worried

"Nothing would ever happen to me, could you please just worry about yourself. You might trip while walking-.-" - I know I'm being so much cold towards him, but I'm just doing this for his own sake.

"Why do you keep pushing me away?" - He asked

"It's because you have feelings for me-.-"

"And you're being uncomfortable about it?" - Yonghwa


"Why?" - Yonghwa

"You don't really know? It's pretty obvious. I don't like you, so please if possible don't let our paths cross again" - Then I left him.

I know I'm being totally harsh on him, but I'm only doing this so that, I won't fall for him and he won't fall deep in love with me. Because I don't want the things in the past would happen again.

After that incident, I thought everything would be totally fine, but he really won't stop.

I was on my way to our classroom, when we bumped into each other. He was smiling brightly towards me.

My gosh this guy! He's killing me!

"Good morning to the most beautiful girl on earth, universe rather :)" - Yonghwa

Seriously? -.-

I just send him death glare.

"You're still the most beautiful girl in the whole universe even if you're glaring at me:)" - He said

"You don't really have any thought of giving up?-.-" - I asked him

"I will never give up on you:)" - Yonghwa

I walked closely towards him and punched him on the stomach.

"Look what you made me do." - I smirked and left him.

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