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Since the day I confessed my feelings to her. I didn't see her again.

"Cuz I don't like you...."

"Cuz I don't like you...."

"Cuz I don't like you...."

It keeps on repeating in my head.

It hurts me, a lot.

But I don't care, because my feelings for her stays the same.

My mind told me, I should stop this feelings

But my heart can't stop loving her.

And I don't even know why I'm feeling this way towards her.

A month past by, I still couldn't see her, but I always put some letters, flowers and chocolates inside her locker, to show her that even though she pushes me away, my feelings for her would never fade away.

I know this is stupid, because she even told me, she doesn't like me, but what would I do? I can't stop. The more she pushes me away, the more my feelings grow.

One day. I was at the student lounge, making my research paper.

When suddenly, Shinhye appeared.

She throw everything that I gave her on the table.

"Why are you doing this to me?!-.-" - she asked

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I tell you to stop this?!" - Shinhye

"But I don't want to"

"Do you want to die?-.-" - Shinhye

"Yes. If dying would be the only way to be with you." - I answered

She stand up and left. 


Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww, Yonghwa oppa ^_^

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