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It has been 3 months since I saved Yonghwa from that tall and skinny guy.

I have no idea that after saving him, this would happen. That he'll fell for me.

3 months had passed, I always pushed him away, because I don't want him to fall in love with somebody like me. But despite of how I treated him, he's always there.

I didn't went to school for at least a month, hoping he'll change his feelings towards me, but it didn't.

When I opened my locker, I saw a lot of letters, roses and even chocolates.

My goodness!!!

I put all of that in a box, and look for Yonghwa.

I saw him at the student lounge.

I throw the box on his table.

"Why are you doing this to me?!-.-"

"What do you mean?" -.Yonghwa

"Didn't I tell you to stop this?!"

"But I don't want to" - He said

Oh please!!

"Do you want to die?-.-"

"Yes. If dying would be the only way to be with you." - He answered

I was surprised of what he said.

Are you kidding me?-.-

He doesn't have any idea what he's talking about.

I stood up and left.

This is so ridiculous.

He's so different.

He's not even afraid of me. 

This was the first time that a guy confessed to me, well not exactly the very first time.

But the first time since I became a gangster.

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