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When I went to school, I saw Yonghwa walking at the corridor. I was about to call him, when I saw he was with somebody, not just somebody but a girl.

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I just went straight into my room.

"You guys! Keep quiet! She's already here!" - I heard my classmate telling the others that I arrived

When I went inside the room, everyone was so behave. It was so silent.

I walked through them and sat on my chair.

Later on, our prof arrived and gave us a long quiz.

Then afterwards...

"Ms. Park got a perfect score, again:)" - Our prof said

"Students, Shinhye should be your role model. Look at it, even she was absent for the whole month, she still got perfect score in our quiz." - He added

Well yeah. I've been a top student since then, even though I don't study, I still manage to be on top.

It's already lunch break, so I went to the cafeteria.

I saw Yonghwa, with that girl again. They look good together though.

 They look good together though

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Then. After class, I saw them again walking on their way home.

"What's wrong with your face?:D" - Hong Ki asked


"Is this because of that guy you said? Does he still follow you?" - Soo Young

"No. He's already with somebody I guess."

"That fast? It was just yesterday when he told you that 'Yes. If dying would be the only way to be with you.' ;D " - Hong Ki

"Boys will always be boys-.-" - Soo Young

"But aren't you happy? You wanted it to happen this way, right?" - She asked

"Well yeah, but I don't know why I feel this way."

"Maybe because you already fell for him too, you just don't want to admit it:D" - Soo Young 

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