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I was walking on my way home when ten guys were standing in front of me.

It was Kai's gang.

They throw punches on me, but they keep on missing.

Then someone from my back covered my nose with a handkerchief.

Then black out.......

I woke up in an abandoned building, sitting on a chair. My hands and feet were wrapped.

I saw Kai.

"What do you want from me?!" - I shouted with anger.

"You killed my brother!!! And now you're asking what I want from you? I want your life!!!" - Kai

"Are you gay?:D If you want your revenge on me, untie me and let's fight. Don't be such a coward!" - I said

I can see the anger on his face.

"You murderer!!!" - He get his gun and he was about to shot me

When Min Ho and our gang barge in the gate.

They fought with Kai's group.

"Shinhye-ssi!!!" - Taecyeon untied me.

"Did they hurt you?" - He asked

"I'm fine." - I said

Then the girl was back in the game:D

"Let's go!!!" - Min Ho said.

Then we run outside and get on our motorbikes.

It was a dark and rainy night, when I got home. I received a phone call.

It was about mom and dad. They were at the hospital.

I rushed and went there.

Time of death ****

"Shinhye:(" - Soo Young

I cried my heart out loud. No!!! This can't be happening!!! Noooooo!!!

"Eomma!!! Appa!!!!T.T" - I hug there cold dead bodies.

Then I woke up catching my breath, crying...

I dreamed of it again;(

Soo Young woke up because I was crying.

"Shinhye-ah:(" - she called

"Nae eomma and appa T.T" - I cried

"It wasn't your fault:(" - she said and hugged me.

"No. It was my fault. If they weren't searching for me, that couldn't happenT.T" 

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