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Now I've realized that it's time for me to let myself be happy again. All this time I've stuck myself in the darkness of my past, not realizing that I'm already killing myself inside. 

I guess Taecyeon and my parents are not happy seeing me being like this.

The first thing I did, was to change the way I dress. I want to be how my appearance was before, the happy and charming Shinhye.

The whole campus body was so shocked when they saw me. Everyone may be asking what's going on and why did I change.

The second thing I want to do is, to talk with Yonghwa. I wanted to clear things out with him, I've been so harsh towards him because I get to have the mutual feelings with him and I don't want him to be in trouble because of me.

I went to their classroom.

"Look who we have here :)" - a guy who I don't know

"Hey miss beautiful, who are you looking for?" - his classmate, I guess

"I'm looking for Yonghwa." - I said

"OH MY GOOSSSHH!!!" - both guys were on shock

"It....It's.... Shii---Shinhye-ssi!!! O.O" - they stutter

"YONGHWA!!!!!" - called the guy

Then Yonghwa appeared in front of me, and was shocked when he saw me.

"Shinhye? O.O What are you doing here?" - Yonghwa

I grabbed his hand and we went to the rooftop.

"What are we doing here?" - He asked

"I just wanted to talk to you :("

"About what?" - Yonghwa

"About us"

"Us? Why? Is there something going between us?" - Yonghwa

"Oh c'mon don't piss me off -.-" 

Hmmm, patience Shinhye-ssi

"Okay, sorry" - Yonghwa

"I wanted to say sorry about how my attitude was with you, I'm just doing that for your own safety because I don't want you to get hurt. Maybe you already know, my boyfriend died because of me, and I don't want that to happen with you, that's why I'm always pushing you away. I know how much you liked me and I appreciate those efforts you did for me. And I also wanted to say that, I like you too:)" 

That's it....

I already said it....

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