flesh and blood

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has run
into my veins
yet it also has me
shedding in tears

into my blood
making me look
twice as bad

people always thought of me
as a coward
who just runs
what they didn't know
is that i've already loaded
my gun

my bags were always packed
of the future
ahead of me,
of the ghosts from the past
i'm always ready
to see

maybe they have underestimated
the current
that i was,
not knowing the depth of its ebbs
brewing, raging
wanting to set free

just waiting
for the right moment
they all say the words -
and now that they do,
all the accusations
will be proven wrong

all the downgrades
will not matter at all
because this is the time
to stand tall
no matter how others bring you
to fall

they were
so unaware
that we've got the same blood
on our veins

mistakes -
was all we are
but i'm here
to prove them
that there's more
to these scars

they are mistaken -
for not seeing
the storm in me
believing they were
calming drizzles
& breathy air at sea

they have forgotten
so many things
i'll show them
what calamity
also brings.

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