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Chapter V: Romeo and Juliet

Crashing into the wall, I groaned at the sudden impact. Sweat trickling down my forehead. Tossing my head forward I grimaced knowing that was gonna hurt like hell tomorrow. 

"Come on Mistress show him who's boss!" Lilion instructed. Giving her a quick glare I climb out my wall imprint. Eyeing the large beast in front of me. Wiping my sweat away, I steadied my sword. Staring at the animal carefully. My heart rate rising with intensity, I dashed at the creature. It raising its heels, darting for me.

His loud hooves clonked onto the floor. Creating a thud with each step. Getting closer. It waved its horns towards me, the point aiming for my head. Watching the movement I slid onto the floor, dodging the attack.

Swiping my sword up I held onto tightly. The blade making a clean cut into the horn. "Yes! Way a go Mistress!" Lilion rejoiced. Hopping onto my feet, the floor rocked with the collapse of the large bone hitting the ground. The monster bellowing in pain.

"Hah! Yes!" I shouted pumping my arm into the air, proud of myself. Celebrating I spun around doing a random dance. "I did it! I did it! oh yeah yeah yeah~!" I sung.

Sadly my happiness ended as an echo of cracking hit my ears. Stopping I new that wasn't a good sign. Glancing at the creature I furrowed my brows. Its fur getting rigid and its eyes revealing a red pupil. Gulping at the sight I licked my parched lips. Knowing this is gonna get more difficult.


Seeing a quick flash of light hit the animal. It vanished from my sight the arena now empty. Widening my eyes, I nervously chuckled. Exhaling loudly I released my bundled up stress. "Finally," I croaked while falling onto my back, taking deep breaths.

"That was so tiring! What the hell was that thing?" I wailed at the fairy. Lilion swaying over. "That Mistress was a boar, common beast that roam in our forest," she mused.

"A common boar?! Are you seriously serious! That thing was the size of my house! Why was it so big!?" I looked at her bewildered. She floated down towards me, flicking my forehead in response.

"Every realm is different Mistress now let's send you home. It's probably past midnight for you,"

"Ehh? Midnight? But it's almost sunrise here?" I stood up my armor disappearing from my body. My clothes turning back to their normal state. "Ahh yes I forgot to mention. Time in Uslesa runs faster than Your Human world. So it probably only been two three hours since you left," she explained. Rubbing my temples I sighed.

"At least I get more time to sleep... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Lilion?" I inquired dropping my hands to my sides. "Of course! Now all you have to do to go back to your world is say the chant while thinking of wherever you want to go," she spoke.

Pouting my lips, I pushed my nappy hair back. Looking in front of me. Images of my bedroom and my house bounced in my head.
"anoixe ut uslesa," I chanted. The portal snapping open.

"Ooh Brilliant! You're a fast learning! Have a good rest Mistress. Tomorrow we'll work on more combat!" She rejoiced. Rubbing my neck I waved, Entering the gateway.

Now standing in my room, the portal automatically closed behind me. Leaving me alone in my room. Sighing in releif I tossed my clothes off climbing into the blankets with nothing but my undergarments on.

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