A teenage girl with a rare medical condition seeks the help of a specialist doctor. The veil between reality and reverie evanesces as she sinks deeper into the clutches of an ethereal abyss.
My novella is complete!! I am doing final editing, but by...
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Domina and Tambudzai are the last to come downstairs for dinner. Tambudzai leads the way and Domina follows behind.
'Minnie, come on down!' Randy calls then he whispers discretely to Victoria who is next to him, 'We're dining like kings.'
'Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper my boy.' Deans who is sitting across from Randy says as he prods a lettuce leaf with his fork.
Victoria stifles a laugh and coughs, nearly choking on a piece of broccoli.
With each step Domina takes a crystal toed shoe peeps out from under the dinner dress that gently follows her body contours. Bugsy stands up as Domina walks to the dinner table.
'Wow Minnie, you look lovely.' Bugsy comments admiring the girl's turquoise dress.
Barrie looks up from his quail and grunts before tucking back into his meal. Deans takes a napkin to his mouth and stands up as well.
'I'm terribly sorry we started without you my dear.' The doctor says. 'We were all rather famished. Here, pull up a chair.'
The man points at an empty seat next to him.
'That's alright, sir, I'll just sit next to Barrie.'
Bugsy springs into action and pulls out the chair for her.
'You are quite the gentleman,' Deans says to Bugsy.
The girl sits down. Only then does she notice who is at the table on her right. It is the pale faced mystery woman from Domina's reverie earlier. The girl is so startled she nearly falls off her chair.
'You haven't met my wife, Charisa,' Deans says. Then he turns to his wife who is next to him, 'Charisa, this is Domina.'
'It's a pleasure to meet you,' Domina is still unable to wipe the horrified look from her face.
The woman in a black dress turns her pallid face to Domina and nods, then gets back to her meal. It is not what the others are having, but rather it is a dark sludge which she spoons slowly to her mouth from a deep bowl.
'She doesn't talk much,' Deans says with a frown.
'The quail tastes like rubber.' Randy says just beneath his breath. 'Pass it on.'
'I kinda like it,' Victoria mumbles back.
Barrie sits between Domina and her, so Victoria leans forward to catch Domina's attention. Victoria points at the meat on her plate. She mouths the word 'rubber' and this makes Domina giggle as she puts a large piece onto her plate.
Barrie takes no notice of his girlfriend and keeps munching away. Victoria elbows him in the ribs. Barrie puts his quail down and turns to Victoria.