Chapter one

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"Please, please promise me Nick that this will be a good weekend, that you will try to be civil", Layla said as they got out of Wades tight fitted car.

He sighed looking to his girlfriend who gave him a soft look

" I'll try babe, but no promises", he said pushing her lightly against the truck. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him softly, pulling back to look him in the eyes," that's all I ask for", she smiled

Nick smirked as she pecked his cheek and walked ahead with Carly an Paige

"Yo man lets go in an see what they got", Dalton said with his video camera

The girls sat at a table as their boys did whatever boys do. Paige looked through the newspaper with Carly as Layla listened to her music, swaying slowly to the beat.

" okay look, here's one in Tribeca for three thousand", Paige pointed out to Carly who looked at her hopeless

"That's still way too much. All the money I saved up won't even be enough to cover two months rent. I'm going to have to work every minute I'm not in class until graduation", Carly say putting the paper down, rubbing her temple.

"Carly don't you dare even think about not going!" Paige exclaimed while staring at Carly

"I'm not", she said giving a small chuckle.

" Good. Because you know how proud Layla and I are of you", Paige said while nudging Layla who in turn nod her head. She had been busy listening to her music an eating her lovely salty but not too salty French fries.

"It's just an internship".

Layla took out her headphone. Paige stopped her before she could finish," at in-style magazine!", Layla nodded," or you could stay at your Waffle House as a waitress forever?"

Carly made a disgusted look at which Layla smirked at knowing she'd just proven her point.

Scrunching her nose at the thought," no thanks!".

"That's what I thought. Now please hand me the paper with your little hands", Layla said to which was under Carly's elbow. The girls were busy looking at the paper that they didn't notice Wade sat next to Carly.

"Hey babe", dropping a kiss to Carly's forehead before smiling at Layla and Paige


"Sorry there were two drunk red necks wrestling in the bathroom", Wade says turning to Carly

"There are no rednecks in New York", Paige said while looking up from where she read to give Wade that look

"No, there isn't", Wade answered looking very comfortable making Carly glare at her as the atmosphere got really tense.

" well, I'm going to see what Blake's doing", as she got up fixing her top," he seems to like that car more than me nowadays".

Layla chuckled," I'm gonna go find my guys", she smiled at them as she set off to find Nick and Dalton to see what they were up to. She stopped to see them picking on a homeless man as Dalton videoed.

"Nick, dammit, leave the man alone", she yelled pulling him away. But Nick being a dick that he is decides to kick the cup out of the mans hand. She glared at him giving the man a $20 and walked back towards the table ignoring them. As they sat down Nick grabbed her and pulled her close

"I'm sorry", Nick whispered in her ear.

"No you ain't", Layla said pulling away from him. He sighed knowing she was serious

" so what do you think guys? Gonna be a sweet game tomorrow huh?" He nervously said trying to break some of the tension looking at Layla seeing she was upset.

"Yeah", Nick mumbled. Layla elbowed him in the chest clearly making her more upset.

"Dalton please don't film me", Carly covered her face hoping to get him to turn his camera off.

"What", laughing ," I'm not filming now!"

"Dumbass the red lights on", Layla said kicking him in hopes he'll turn it off

"Put the camera down", Nick said while pushing Dalton's hand down," she doesn't like having people in her face, she folds under pressure".

Layla frowned, here we go again

"You got something to say to me Nick?", Carly spoke as her eyes turned into tiny skits.

Nick narrowed his eyes," no, I think you've already spoken enough for the both of us, don't you", And that was Layla's last straw, she got off the table but not without slapping Nick across the face.

Dalton put his camera down, as Carly and Wade were shocked.

"Your not even trying. Even after you promised me", Layla said as a tear fell from her eye, walking away from them.

Nick sighed as he ran after her

" well that was, wow.... I'm out of here", Dalton said sneaking up on Paige and Blake.

Layla leaned up against the car as she sees Nick coming closer

"Don't, I don't want to hear your stupid shitty excuse", She said looking up at the sky

"I'm sorry, you know what happened, I just can't tell her, she's already criticized me enough, her and my parents. They don't believe anything I say", Nick said stepping close to her.

"That's what you don't get Nick, they don't know because you didn't tell them", she said looking at him," on top of that you make things more difficult by saying stupid shit, as if you don't have a care in the world", she sighed," don't make promises you won't try to keep", she said softly, getting into Wades car and shutting the door.

Nick sighed as he threw his beer bottle ' he really needs to get himself straight. Otherwise he'd lose her.

Everyone piled in Wades car as Paige got in with Blake's truck.

Carly turned to Layla," you okay", she whispered softly

Layla gave a soft smile," yeah", she replied closing her eyes.

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