Chapter Five

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When they reached the campsite Dalton An Nick immediately went to relieve themselves. Blake put up his An Paige's tent, while Layla was off to the side, changing as Paige sat near the fire pit looking through her cd's an talking about the bugs

"Oh dude, I had to go so bad", Dalton said. He then moaned causing Nick to shove him laughing," Come on dude", he complained

Blake went up behind them an nudged Dalton," Hey, you guys gonna have sex?" He joked

Dalton turned to him," what?"

"Because me and Paige are", Blake said giving them a look," so you three go get'em... unless you and Layla plan to get it on", he said turning to Nick

Nick looked at at Layla, who's shirt was off, licking his lips to see her well-toned abs an silky skin, with her beautiful scars on show. Damn, he would love to take her, but he wanted it to be alone with no one else around. He sighed," no, we'll go".

Dalton chuckled," dude, you could always have a quickie in town if your gonna be desperate", he dodged the punch Nick threw with a laugh.

"Hey Paige!" Blake called out.

"Yeah?" She asked turning to him

"Nick, Layla and Dalton are gonna go get them", Blake said

Layla shrugged her sweatshirt on," fine by me", she says passing Nick rubbing her hand up against his groin as he groaned out. She smiled walking away as Dalton laughed like crazy

"Shut up", Nick grumbled

They got into the truck and drove off

Layla sprawled across the back seats, with an arm covering her face.

"Just let me drive bitch, he gave me the keys", Dalton complained

Layla snorted with a laugh," dude you should just shut up already!"
Nick slapped Dalton's chest, stopping him from saying anything else," yeah, because he thinks I'm the one who stole the car", he tapped Dalton's face," and crashed it" pulling his arm back An continued driving

"Dalton seriously it would have been best if you hadn't stole the car in the first place", Layla snickered

"Yeah, Okay". Dalton sighed

"Hey whatever man, your jackets clean alright? Mines already got plenty of stains on it... one mores not gonna make a difference", Nick said watching the road

Layla eyes Nick in the mirror," sounds like you don't care if you get arrested an put away for life", she said with a hint of anger

Nick frowned,"I didn't mean it like that babe", he said with a soft look

Layla scoffed looking away an zoning out from their conversation till they reached a ditch
"Is this it?", dalton asked turning to Nick but frowned when Layla slammed the truck door shut and walked around the bend

Nick frowned," she's mad at me", he sighed

" don't worry man. Layla just don't want to see you throw your life away. And you shouldn't either over my mistake, she's the best thing that's ever happened to you man", Dalton said

"Yeah I know", Nick said with a soft smile as they caught up with her

"Babe?" Nick called softly grabbing hold of her arm

"What?" She snapped pulling her hand away
"I'm sorry, I really am", he pulled her back so that she was facing him. Dalton walked ahead to let them talk

"What more can you say to piss me off huh? You wanna cover up another lie!" She snapped angrily at him

"What damn lies have I told you huh?" Nick yelled back at her. Layla got in his face enraged.

"You lie so much to save your ass, that you don't see that your hurting others in the process, asshole", she shoved him back

"So I told Carly a lie big deal, I thought you understood why", he said now angry

" I understood very perfectly Nick, this isn't about Carly and you damn well know that", she said looking at him as her fist clenched tightly.

"So What is this about huh? Me covering for Dalton, me being a good friend", Nick yelled with his arms out

Dalton who stands out at the side, hearing them yell at each other, the guilt eating at him for it being his fault.

" you put yourself in more situations, that you don't care about the ones you already have", Layla said frustrated with him.

"What other problem Layla, huh, the only problem I got to deal with is you An your shit", he shouted in her face as she took a step back

Layla shook her head," I'm the problem now, huh, well, you should have said something a long time ago, if I was a problem", a tear slipped from her eye as she walked away from him.

"Layla..." Nick called going after her," Layla....", he grabbed hold of her

Layla swung a mean right hook to his face making him grunt from the impact

"Guys stop please, this ain't the best way to solve anything", Dalton said moving Layla back as Nick spat blood out from his mouth.

"Don't worry Nick you won't have to deal with me from here on out, as soon as we find Carly an Wade, you won't have to deal with me", Layla said walking away from them

"Layla please, wait. Let's stick together", Dalton yelled out to which she ignored

Nick stared in sorrow as she walked off
"Come on man, let's catch up to her", Dalton patted his shoulder as they walked the way Layla did. Nick sighed following," I messed up", he whispered to himself

Layla clenched her fist going up to a pole and started viciously punching it. Crying out at what Nick said about her being a problem, it really hurt her.

Nick and Dalton ran up to Layla but Dalton decided to stay back an let Nick to his job. Nick grabbed Layla pinning her to him as she thrashed out

"Layla, baby, please calm", Nick whispered soothingly. He held her bloody hands still as Dalton rubbed her legs in comfort.

Nick kissed her temple," I'm sorry, I'm sorry", she whispered as she sobbed
"I'm a problem. I didn't know...problem", she repeated

Nick held her bloody hand in one as he tilted her chin up," I love you Layla. You are never a problem for me. I'm so sorry I said that baby", he said looking her straight in the eyes. Layla cried as she sunk deeper in his warmth that relaxed her. Her brain going a million miles per second with dangerous-thoughts.

Nick rocked them back an forth, Dalton sighed speaking softly," she never had an episode like this since her step parents", Nick gave a silent nod. Layla exhaled as he slowly began to stand with her in his arms, he cursed at how bad her knuckles looked

"I've had worse", she whispered with a tear falling. Nick motioned for Dalton to leave, so he walked off

"Layla look at me", Nick said as she looked up at him," I'm so deeply sorry baby", He whispered

Layla sighed with a shake of her head," if I had known Nick I would've..." but Nick cut her off by kissing her roughly pulling her into his body", you are not a problem" he deeply stared at her rubbing her arm

Nick kissed her again," I love you so fricken much", he said making her give a soft smile," I swear on my life, I will never say that shit again. I don't want you to leave me", he said as a tear fell from his eye

Layla gave a soft smile," I don't want to leave you", she says giving him a small kiss

Dalton lunged at them in a bear hug

" now let's forget that this has happened, so we can find your sister an Wade, then get the heck out of this creep town", Dalton enthusiastically says

Nick chuckled pulling Layla into him but she hissed when his body brushed against her knuckles

"We'll find a first aid kit somewhere babe, I don't want it getting infected, looks like there's some wood splinters in there", Nick said examining her knuckles

Layla chuckled softly," I've had worse Nick",she said making him grunt.

" I know you did babe I don't want a memory of it", Nick said as she gave a small smile.

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