Chapter Eight

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Nick inspected the weapon he grabbed when a gunshot was heard an the glass next to the podium where Carly an Layla stood was shattered. Nick jumped down from it, grabbing Layla's hand and ran with Carly right beside them.


Nick pulled them into the nearest building, which happened to be a cinema, as the Bo guy chased after them.

As they reached the cinema, Nick led them into a showing room that was completely dark. Layla pulled Carly with her as they stopped in the middle, looking around they noticed their were wax people seated randomly staring at the screen.

This place was just getting more and more creepier

Layla heard Bo coming so she nudged Nick to follow her an told Carly to blend in and hide. As she did so, Nick and Layla hid behind a wall.

Layla looked at Nick as he placed his forehead on hers," we'll be okay", he whispered.

Layla kisses him an broke away when they heard the showing room door open. Knowing it was Bo, he was quiet, so they would assume he's looking for them.

Layla inhaled as she clenched her fists," make the shot perfect", she whispered to Nick

"NICK!" Carly yelled as Bo fired his gun an hit the wax person behind Carly

Nick shot the crossbow hitting Bo right in the arm making him fall to the ground. Layla grabbed Carly as Nick grabbed her hand and ran out just as Bo fired at them.

They made it back into the main hall of the cinema

"Go hide behind the counter, we got this", Layla said. Nick grunted as Layla grabbed the arrow an hid beside the cinema door as Nick waited for Bo with no ammunition, feeling a bit worried.

Bo walked out with his gun an had a creepy smirk on his face as he saw Nick.

"Excuse me!" Layla said as she wrapped her legs around Bo's waist flipping them backwards as she landed perfectly on him, stabbing the arrow right in his shoulder close to the heart.

Bo didn't move so Layla stood up and faced Nick an Carly, who were shocked by what she had done

"What! I learn a lot from the streets", Layla shrugged as Nick checked the gun, but it was out of ammo.

"Empty shells, check him for ammo Carly", Nick said to Carly, who kicked an unconscious Bo. She bent down An began to search him, but came out empty handed.

"I probably should have let you shoot him. I hit both my hands on the ground", she hissed. Nick kissed her temple, pulling her body towards his as she held his arm

"There's nothing in his pockets", Carly started of up, took the gun from Nick an threw it over the counter.

"Let's get out of here you guys", Carly told them
Nick stared at the wax guy in the ticket booth with sorrow in his eyes

"Babe, come on, let's get out of here", Layla pulled him softly away an lead them out of the cinema

They began to walk around the town trying to at least figure out what they gonna next," is there anyone left alive in this shit ass town?" Nick said as they made way to some old rusted cars an junk.

" what about this Vincent guy?" Carly asked still holding her injured finger

"Who knows if there really is some Vincent guy. We seriously need to get out of this place", Layla said looking around them

"Look, what about Wade and Dalton? We can't jus leave them behind!"

Layla grunted as they stood next to some old rusted thing and looked up at the house that bastard lived in.

"Yo, Carl's, you said your phones in the truck?" Layla asked Carly as Nick put his arm above their heads.

"Yeah", she replied.

"Alright, look this is what we're gonna do. I'm gonna go up to the truck and get your phone an see if I can call for help", he looked between them," I want you both to go back to the road Paige and Blake...."

"What? Fuck that Nick, I ain't gonna leave you here", she said upset that he would even think like that.

"I'm agreeing with her Nick", Carly said backing her up

"Why the hell do you guys have to be so....", he got frustrated," damn stubborn".

Layla eyes him," you really want me to answer that", Nick smiled," okay, we stick together, ain't nothing gonna happen to us".

Carly walked a bit aways, so Nick could talk to Layla
"Promise me something Nick. This is the last time we have to deal with shit like this", Layla whispered touching an old scar

"I promise Layla, on my life, nothing will happen to you or Carly. I'll die before it does, even then, I'll do all that I can do to protect you". He vowed

Layla gave Nick a kiss, pulling away but kissed him one more time. They broke apart an followed Carly up the road, carefully watching their surroundings.

The truck was half off the hill. As they made their way to it Carly told Nick that the phone was under the seat

"Nice parking job Carl's", Layla said lighting the mood up a bit

Carly opened the drivers door an began-searching for her phone. Layla stood next to Nick and looked around to see if anyone was coming.

After a bit Layla turned to see Carly shaking her head. They stood quietly for a moment before they looked up at the house

"Wade and Dalton", Nick said with a solemn look on his face

"Wade went in there and never came out", Carly said a bit scared

"Alright, we'll go in quick, one pass. We can't find them, we have to get the hell out of here", Nick said to Carly then looked to Layla who wasn't looking st them

"Layla? It'll be jus a quick pass", Nick said walking up to her," I promise babe, only one pass", Layla looked in his eyes an it didn't cross his mind to how hurt she was.

"One quick pass Nick, but when we do, would we find them alive or dead", she said as a tear fell

Nick hugged her tight not knowing what to say
"I love you", Layla whispered in his neck. Nick squeezed her one last time
"Let's try the back", he said leading them

They began to make their way toward the back of the house. Layla's mind wandered to the idea of when or how they were gonna make it out alive!

House of Wax   Nick OCWhere stories live. Discover now