Chapter Seven

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As soon as they heard Carly's scream, Nick and Layla turned quickly only to dodge an attack from the man while Layla encountered the mans next move, tackling the man down leaving him a bit dazed.

"Let's go babe", Nick yanked her away an ran towards the entrance

They got inside just in time to slam the door close in the mans face and locked it. The man ran towards the garage which Layla ran for an jumped a bit to close the door just as the man was lifting it.

Layla found a screw driver An jammed it into the lock , looking back up to see the man was gone.

"Babe, you Alright?" Nick asked checking her over who took deep breaths.

" Yeah, I'm okay. Where's Carly?"as soon as she said that a scream echoed from down below. Nick an Layla ran down a flight steps

"I'm here!"

Layla stayed back as Nick kicked the door in. Cary was tied up to a chair all bloodied up
"Thank god", she whispered quietly.

"Oh my god!" Layla said as Nick approached his sister

"Okay, I'm here, we're here. We got you", he tried to comfort her as he worked on getting her out.

Layla winced as she saw Carly's finger," Nick, watch her finger. Watch her finger".

"Oh my god. He did this to you?" He asked not believing someone could do this to his sister

They managed to get Carly free as Layla looked around for a first aid kit, finding none

Nick began to look around the room, when Carly asked where the man was, not getting an answer she asked again
"Where is he?"

"We locked him out Carly. Now where the hell is Wade", Layla asked looking at Carly.

"I don't know. He went into the house. This place is a freak show".

All of a sudden they heard an engine starting. Layla knew it could be from the man she tackled, they made their way up cautiously with Nick and Carly behind her.

Nick told Carly to stay where she was as he went to go look for something to use as a possible weapon. Layla leant up against the desk an hissed when her hands throbbed badly

Nick looked over to Layla an immediately looked around for a first aid kit; only finding some kind of ointment but not gauze wraps

"Here, Babe this should help ease the pain", Nick said as he helped apply it to her knuckles

"What happened to your hands?", Carly whispered

Layla looked to Carly with a look and Carly knew that look she would explain later.

"Alright, cars by the road. Damn it, Dalton's got the keys," realization dawned on them," shit, Nick, Dalton!" Layla spoke up
"We gotta call the cops", Nick ran towards a phone, but the phone wasn't working, didn't even have a dial tone

"Shit, hey where is your cellphone", Nick asked Carly

"It might be in the truck up near the house. What about Wade? I think he has him to... what if he turned him into wax?"

Layla and Nick faced Carly with a confused look," what do you mean, Wax?"

"You don't get it. They're all wax, everyone!" She desperately said," no wait", and she ran out like a mad woman with Layla and Nick behind her.

Nick and Layla followed Carly out of the station and down the street, after she remembered what she saw. Carly cradled her injured finger beside Nick as Layla surveyed there surroundings

They made their way up to the house
" there was a woman in here. She was alive. She pulled the curtain back", Carly told Nick as she opened the gate while Nick hopped over it.

Layla kept watch, feeling like there were eyes on her. She turned her head fast when Nick let out a small yelp. Layla shocked at what she saw, turned back around to catch her breath not believing that's how they were.

"The whole town is rigged" Carly said disbelieving

"This is all impossible. I swear I'll kill that man An he won't know what hit'em", Layla said enraged as Nick walked up to her an hugged her

"We'll find them an get the hell out of here", Nick said to them as they began their trek to god knows where.

"He said he had a brother right?" Nick asked

"Yeah he did"

"Vincent", Carly said the name," at the house of wax, he did all the sculptures. He gotta be the one that does the wax".

Layla looked around as they rounded the corner. Up ahead she noticed a shop that looked to have hunting weapons. Nick was already heading in that direction so they just followed him.

"Nick you need to be careful", Carly said with Layla beside her

"We gotta do something", Layla said as she felt dread," what if he's around here somewhere", Carly says as she shook with fear

"Nick..." but he cut her off," I am being careful Carly", Nick said stiffly

They made it to the store in time to stop Nick from throwing the tool into the glass window

"No, Nick it will make too much noise. Why do you have to be so damn stubborn. He will find us!" She said as her voice shook

"Yeah chances are he will Carly, maybe with these he might not want to", he said but Layla beat him to it an threw a rock she found on the road right at the window, shattering the whole window.

Nick looked at Layla as she smirked at him," sorry babe, you took too long", he smiled getting on the window, grabbing the hunting now. Layla stared at the wax not believing that anyone could do this but yet again, the world is full of craziness!

House of Wax   Nick OCWhere stories live. Discover now