Chapter Ten

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They made a decent size hole and climbed into it. First it was Carly then Layla, then Nick last. They stopped because of how high off the ground they were.

" we have to wait.... before we get closer to the ground so we can get out", Layla said but coughed an wheezed

When they got closer to the ground, they crawled out. They got as far away from the house and stood back to see the wax house burn down.

Layla shivered as she fell. Nick caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Layla, Babe", Nick whispered as she faded in an out of consciousness. He held her tight as Carly held Layla's wound.
Layla shivered as Nick lifted her being careful of his leg which he didn't care about, as Carly walked beside him till they were a little ways away from the burning wax building.

Nick sat them on a curb near the church. The sun had come up a while ago and as of ten minutes ago, the whole town was surrounded by cops and firemen. Carly and Nick were sitting in the back, while Layla was placed in a gurney with an oxygen mask to her face.

Nick kept his eyes on Layla who was still fading in an out of consciousness. Carly got her finger patched up as did Nicks leg.

" hey that's my friends camera!.... hey that's my friends camera", Nick yelled at the sheriffs who walked away with it.

"Sorry son, that's evidence", another sheriff approached them," are you guys okay?" They didn't answer but got a bad response when Layla began seizing like crazy.

"Get them to a hospital stat!" The sheriff order as they shut the door

Nick kept his eyes on Layla who stopped seizing when they connected an I.V to her arm. Carly hugged her brothers side
"Don't worry Nick, she'll pull through, she's the strongest girl I know. And she has you", she whispered.

"We're gonna be okay, don't worry", she said as Nick took hold of Layla's hand kissing it gently and smiled when he felt a small twitch.

With a small smile on his face he was glad they were getting away from this crappy ass ghost town. It made Nick a stronger man as he protected the ones he loved. And as for the loss of their friends, they will be missed dearly. Till they all meet again!!!

House of Wax   Nick OCWhere stories live. Discover now