Chapter Two

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'..... Record crowds are expected for college footballs biggest game of the year....'

"Man, it's going to be packed tomorrow", Wade says shifting in his seat

Layla was asleep against Nick who was a bit happy she laid half on top of him. He kissed her head as she snuggled more into him.

" speaking of packed, my legs are killing me back here, man", Dalton complained groaning for the thousandth time since they got in the car.

"Don't worry man, it's not Wades fault his Hot Wheels car only fits two".

"Nick...." he heard Layla's soft voice," please, shut up", she sent her elbow into his chest. Rubbing his chest he looked down at Layla then looked away

Dalton who was laughing as Nicks comment he continued on," pssshh... Hot Wheels car? It's more like a shot wheels car isn't it Wade. What did you do, go to the barber shop an ask him for a He-Man haircut?"

While Carly glared at him, Layla smacked Dalton in the head, knocking off his cap

"Shut up dude", Nick said pulling Layla closer to him.

" so much for a nice little shortcut", seeing the car turn toward a new direction, everyone's patience were getting a little thin, especially Nicks

"Oh my god!"

"Look at her. Look at her"

" your caught on tape".

Hearing them throw comments, Layla rubbed her eyes an looked to the car next to them, to find Paige going down on Blake.

"Look at his face!"

Layla got annoyed with them as Nick reached up and hit the horn, not even two seconds later Paige calls Carly.

Layla looked out their window, watching trees go by, not caring about the conversation the girls were having. Nick kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep.

Layla half asleep looked to see they were pulling on a dirt road.

"Hey, Wax museum", Wade pointed out to a sign as we drove by.

Nick who was one to never let the joke pass by Wade," you like that kind of stuff Wade?" Layla glared up at Nick with a very dark warning in her eyes.

Shrugging Wade looked at Nick through the review mirror," yeah, I don't know sometimes".

Feeling Nick shift a bit, Layla took it as her time to cut in," I think a wax museum is terrifyingly awesome", Wade gave her a thankful look, which she returned with a small smile.

Before another argument could break out, Blake and Wade pulled into a vacant lot and parked. Layla who waited for Dalton to get out was getting frustrated

" come on Dalton dammit!" Layla yelled pushing Dalton who face planted into the ground

"Paige, Layla come with me", Carly said moving the two to the front of the car

"Well?" Carly questioned Paige

"I couldn't", she said shaking her head," there's no point in freaking him out right now".

"As opposed to when you find out your pregnant?" Carly said giving a pointed look

"I'm not sure, okay?" Paige quietly says looking at Blake then back at the girls," he's been looking forward to this game for months and I don't want to ruin it by starting a fight".

Carly rolled her eyes," Paige, he's not going to marry you", wow that was harsh as Layla heard," his parents won't let him"

"Okay hold up, who says she wants to get married?", Layla said throwing her comment in there

House of Wax   Nick OCWhere stories live. Discover now