Was Slenderman arround in ancient times?

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Rather if your just scrolling through this or reading, heres some intristing facts you may wanna know about Slenderman. So sit down and get popcorn. Now slenderman is offten seen in the woods. We have no idea were he is since he is much spotted everywere. But mostly in his woods.

But you all already know that, lets talk about ancient times, were they carved on the walls

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But you all already know that, lets talk about ancient times, were they carved on the walls. You may be thinking what does that have to do with slenderman? Well you'll find out.Since anicent times slenderman has been arround.

Since anicent times slenderman has been arround

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Now, you may be thinking "Jay thats so stupid". Well actally theres more pictures of these carvings, but I was lazy and only downloaded one. Nut not to worry cause were gonna talk about an incedent that happenend in Polk County. This incedent could be said as the Henderson Horse Farm incedent. The farm was owed by a 41 year old man named Ted and his wife, with their 6 year old daughter Tracy. In 1954 neighbors called the police in complients of screaming and gun fire,coming from the farm. A sherif and 2 police officers arrived, finding all the horses to be ripped apart, With fresh blood on the floors. They continued searching the houseand found Ted baricated behind doors next to him was the body of his wife, killed by 1 gunshot. Ted was quickly charged with murder and sent to the jenkin's mental hosbital, later Ted came out and said it wasnt him. That it was a tall man that had worn a red tie and had no face. And his wife had told him to shoot her. He felt he had saved her by doing so. But that didnt stop Slender from taken her daughter. Til this day no one knows were she is. This photo was found before the incedent:

Now the story I am fixing to tell you happenend in Sting city CA during the 1980's

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Now the story I am fixing to tell you happenend in Sting city CA during the 1980's. Alot of kids went missing in that area. Why? Cause it was Slenderman's place at the time to get his victums.On june first 1986. This photo was taken:

On that date 14 children disappered following 2 weeks later the dissapering of the photographer, Mary Thomas

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On that date 14 children disappered following 2 weeks later the dissapering of the photographer, Mary Thomas.It os claimed that Slenderman is the cause of the disaperances. Just a few minutes later the body of 4 year old Joseph Berman was faound in the great swamp Natural preserved in Kingston Falls New Jersey.Miles from were he was last seen. The deputy told reporters that the body was still in early stages of decay indicating that the boy was alive for at least four mouths after disapperance. It was also reported that the body was found in a state of bizzare contortion and no cause of death was ever offically established.

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